Friday, January 26, 2018

When Someone Is Needed To Play A Scumbag, Call This Guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            The other night, I caught part of a re-broadcast of the 'SVU' series "Contra-Passo."  This is the one where a group of girls, at their twentieth year high school reunion, jointly discover they were sexually abused by an English teacher there, Jason Karr, played by Paul Fitzgerald.  The girls track him down, discover he has gone from academia to the corporate world, and is staying in the city, at a hotel.  Julie, one of the girls, sets up a meeting with him, at the bar.  They go to his room, where, once there, are confronted by the other girls.  What happens is never seen, but one of the girls, Evelyn, takes out a knife, and castrates him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This, of course, is never shown.  And I completely get the girls' anger, and desire for revenge. I can see wishing castration on the guy, but doing something one does not know  how to do surgically, it is a wonder this guy did not bleed out and die.  In which case, homicide would be on the table.

                              A good smack across his face from each, pantsing him, maybe even tying him up would be sufficient.  But castration.

                               Nevertheless, the look of smug, male entitled arrogance, projected by Fitzgerald in his portrayal of Karr, made one glad the girls did it.  He really had no remorse for what he did, blaming it on being a young guy, his hormones--oh, come on!!!!!!!!!!--and all he cared about was his status.  I was glad when he was found guilty!

                               I kept noticing the actor, whom I found out was Paul Fitzgerald, and discovered he has played a similar role before.  No wonder he could facially project snideness so well.

                                 In "Criminal Hatred," from 2013, which also featured a brilliant performance by the under used Jenny Bacon, Fitzgerald played a great big closet case, named Charles Murphy.  He is attacked by a serial predator, played by Max Carpenter, who has an interesting motive--he hates himself, not only because he is gay, but, because he cannot pass for straight, and so feels denied from a job market he feels qualified for, having to settle for marginal positions.  As I said about this episode, at the time, the problem here was casting Max Carpenter, who got the anger right, but did not project one bit of effeminacy enough to keep corporate America from tacitly, and politely, barring him from their doors.  As I said, at the time, I knew, from my own, earlier experiences, after college.

                                Fitzgerald projected the same sense of straight entitlement as he did in the castration episode.  His perpetrator goes nuts in the courtroom and is hauled away, but the way Fitzgerald played the role, I knew this character had not learned a thing.  He was going to go on being a great big closet case--because he can get away with it.

                                I am sure the next time the franchise needs someone of this type, they will automatically phone Fitzgerald, and he will deliver!  He is a good actor, right?  But, is he as phony as these characters he portrays?

                                  I wonder.  Fitzgerald, with his six foot plus frame, can easily pass for straight. He was some hot shot football player on some Virginia--his home state--high school team.  This certainly does not sound gay to me, and that is fine, but Fitzgerald, on YouTube, so look at it there, has this engaging video of him bouncing around in Brooklyn, where he lives--as do I--proclaiming to the world that he is bi-sexual.

                                   Really!  And this is supposed to be make me happy, how?

                                   This video is as insulting as the characters I have previously described.  In a manner of speaking, Fitzgerald is being those characters in real life.  Because, you don't have to agree with me, but I stand by what I say--gay is gay!  If you are a man, and can make it with a woman, or vice versa, then put up, shut up, and lead a straight life.  The reason gays, and I am speaking for  myself here, live the life we lead  is because, psychologically, physiologically, we cannot imagine any other.  Those who can are not truly gay--you are just straights trying to parrot us, and in so doing, because you all do a piss poor job of it, cause more problems and embarrassment to our community than if you had kept all this to yourself!

                                     Bisexuality is bullshit!  There is no such thing!

                                     Go ahead, say what you want!  It does not make Paul Fitzgerald any less of the good actor he is.

                                      But his professed hypocrisy makes him less the human being he should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I agree with you on "bisexuality"
    And I've been attacked for speaking out, as I know you have.


  2. Victoria,

    Indeed I have! I stand by
    what I say! If people want
    to kid themselves, that is their
    business. But don't try to kid
    me, or others honest enough to
    be who we are!
