Friday, February 9, 2018

Darlings, You Have Got To See The New Christine Pedi-Liza Minnelli Video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               As I have remarked so often, dolls, Christine today is more Liza than Liza herself.

                               This new video is a riff on VOGUE's "73 Questions" for celebrities.  Of course, the best of the lot was Anna Wintour!  ANNA!  Hey, ANNA!  What about that lunch we were going to have!  I cannot wait to show you Baby Gojira, and all his outfits!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But this latest Liza video is priceless.  I love when she talks to Lin Manuel Miranda, and tells him to order the cannelloni at Sardi's.  You mean, he did not know that?  A New York theater success, and closet queen????????  Come on; I have known that since puberty!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Another great moment is when asked what is the best Italian thing to cook, and she says, "A martini!"

                                   Or when asked about her mother's movie triptych, ('Oz,' 'St. Louis,' and 'Star') and she says, "Oh, 'Meet Me In St. Louis'.  Papa directed that."

                                    But the absolute BEST is when asked who should play her in a movie, and she says, "James Franco."  I agree.  We all know you are gay, James, so how about getting out there, and showing it?  Imagine, you in Sally Bowles drag, doing "Cabaret."

                                     You have to see this, girls!  I am telling you!

                                      The only thing to top it would be if someone did a "73 Questions" with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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