Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Happy Shrove Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Can you believe it is Shrove Tuesday, already?  Let begins tomorrow.

                                  So, I want to wish all my girls a Happy Shrove Tuesday, and to eat some
  pancakes, today, or whatever it is that does it for you.  Pancakes have always been my special Shrove Tuesday tradition.  I was raised on it.

                                   Which brings me to something else I have to let you all know.  I may be out of touch for awhile; hopefully not more than a week.  Last night, sometime before eighty thirty PM, my father, at 102, passed from this world to the next.  He died.  It was not unexpected, but there is a lot to do, and it may cut into my time here.  Nevertheless, when the dust settles I will post an obit of my own on him here.  Now, I have to write a real one.

                                     So, a happy Shrove Tuesday to all, and a safe and healthy Lent, culminating here, of course, in the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette"

                                       Eat those pancakes, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. What a day that will be,
    When my Jesus I shall see,
    When I look upon His face,
    The One who saved me by His grace,
    When He takes me by the hand
    And leads me to the Promised Land,
    What a glorious day that will be...


  2. Thank you for those kind
    and comforting awards, Victoria.
