Monday, February 19, 2018

If Celia Can Play Scout, Why Can't I Play Mayella Violet Ewell???????????????

                                        " I got one thing to say....and then I ain't gonna say
                                            no more. He took advantage of me, an' if you
                                          fine an' fancy gentlemen ain't gonna do nothin'
                                            about it, then you're all a bunch of lyin'....stinkin'....
                                          cowards!  The whole bunch a' ya!  Yer 'Missin,'
                                             an' yer 'M'am'in', an' yer Miss Mayllerin,' it don't
                                          come to nothin'!  It don't come to nothin', Mr.
                                              Finch!  It--"
                                          Collin Wilcox as Mayella Ewelll in "To Kill A
                                               Mockingbird" (1962)

                                          First, darlings, let me say, I know, I do not have the street cred of Celia.  And, just like Gregory Peck and Company own their roles in the film, I know I could not top Collin Wilcox as Mayella Ewell.  And this was before she became Collin Wilcox-Horne or Collin Wilcox-Paxton.

                                            But, hey, if this production is going for risks, in casting Celia as a child, then why not cast me as Mayella? I can deliver her monologue like you wouldn't believe, darlings.  I can make myself look White Trash if I have to!  It is called acting, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Collin, unfortunately, left us, in 2009, so at least I won't have to worry about her attending the performance.  But I hope she would approve of all this.

                                              She was a remarkably gifted actress.  And Mayella was the jewel in her crown!

                                               But if Celia can do Scout, why can't I play Mayella????????????

                                               Here is Mayella's big scene!  What I could do with this--oh, hons, I am telling you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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