Saturday, February 10, 2018

Sometimes. An Uptown Girl Just Has To Venture Downtown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Darlings, I have not been on Franklin Street, in Manhattan, in at least twenty years.  Probably more, because the last time I was there, I had lunch at "Montrachet."  Remember that place, darlings??????????  Now, it is gone, like much of Manhattan high society.  Only old dragons, like Lee and myself, are hanging on.

                                 When David and I walked down the street, on a cold February night two evenings ago, I felt like I was on a darkened movie set.  This street was deader and darker than Wall Street after work.

                                   Now, when it comes to cuisine, I tend toward the high end.  At least, as much as I can.  Sometimes I have to settle for middle end, but never--NEVER--low end!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                     My husband, David, loves "Something Greek," in our neighborhood.  It is respectable, but very middle end.  And, as I age, my stomach cannot tolerate exotic cuisine, like it used to.
                                     So, when I found out we were going to a Greek restaurant, I was skeptical. But when a group of us convened on "Thlassa," to celebrate our friend, Ellen's, birthday, it was a Greek dining experience, unlike any I have ever had!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Let's start with the décor.  As you can see from the pic, it was romantic.  And, as our server pointed out, it was off season, so the atmosphere was quiet and subdued, which was fine, for us.  Especially moi, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Now, our server.  It is worth going to this place for him, because he was so C-U-T-E.  He looked like an older Daniel Radcliffe, on growth hormones, and I am sorry he was not on the menu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         As for what was--oh, my God!  The tomato salad appetizer I had was luscious, because it wisely was not over saturated with feta cheese--just enough to give it flavor, rather than make me gag!  Others had the red snapper in a chic pea stew, and we got complimentary cups of cream of cauliflower soup, which was like a hot vichyssoise.  We also got a complimentary desert wine, so sweet I could not get it down, but it did not go to waste.  Oh, no!  With our group??????  You have got to be kidding!  As for the desert, I had the custard folded over in Filo pastry, while others had the Yogurt parfait, served in Martini glasses!!!!!!!!!   All was scrumptious!!!!!!!

                                       Including the sparkling water, which was so cool and refreshing it outdid the standard, Pellegrino's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      You must try this place, girls.  And wait till you see the entrance, with the lined sofa, and the little, lit cubed blocks.  Either someone gay, or one who knows theater, and had Boris Aronson on their mind, must have designed this section, because, I am telling you, in this very spot, a chamber group could perform Sondheim's "Company."  And wouldn't I love to be in it, myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       A good time was had by all.  And I left my Raving Queen card in the card box, so I hope someone there reads this!

                                      Because, sometimes, it is worth it, for an uptown girl to venture to that downtown world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!