Thursday, March 22, 2018

A Future Brady And Hindley Are Apprehended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Brady and Hindley, are, of course, Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, the iconic Moors Murderers in Yorkshire, during the early Sixties.  Their sick story was first brought to my attention when I read "The Monsters On The Moors," by John Deane Potter, back in 1968.  Oh,  my God, that is fifty years ago, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Brady and Hindley are no longer on Earth.  They are in Hell, where, I hear, Satan would like them taken off his hands, but who can he palm them off to? So, he is stuck with them.

                                  Well, let me tell you, if David Eisenhauer and Natalie Keepers had not been caught, they would have become their generation's, and America's version of Brady and Hindley.  I have no doubt about it.

                                    The two grew up near to each other.  Eisenhauer was from Columbia, Maryland, and Natalie from nearby Laurel.  Both were bright, and opted for the engineering program at the University of Virginia, where they met.

                                       I have seen footage of Eisenhauer.  He is lean and mean in his track outfit, and I hope, once he gets to prison, those inmates ream his ass, but good.  Well, they will do more than that, once I get into the crime.

                                         On said video Eisenhauer talks about his plans for the future, and goals, with an unmistakable sense of narcissism.  This is someone who not only feels he is owed everything , but will get it, simply because he is deserving of it.  Really, Dave??????????

                                         Natalie was less conspicuous.  An honor student, attractive, the whole high school thing, I wonder, as I do about Myra Hindley, if they had not crossed paths with these male cohorts, would Myra and Natalie have gone along with these deeds? I once said, of Myra, that she needed to coalesce; she would never have acted on her own, and if she had not met Brady, someone else might have come along.  All is equally applicable to Natalie.

                                          Let me state, as soon as I discovered these two, I knew I had found joint winners, this week, for Bitch Of The Week.

                                            I had never heard of the Nicole Lovell murder case, but once I stumbled on it, I knew I had found bitch gold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Nicole Lovell, from Blacksburg Virginia, was a 13-year-old, who had already lived a complicated life.  She had survived both childhood cancer, and a liver transplant.  On the threshold of puberty, she had a plainness that indicated she would be a late bloomer.  But no one at this age realizes this, or cares, so Nicole was bullied.  For solace, she turned to social media, where, online she met the charming, good looking David Eisenhauer.  I have seen some good pics of David, and he was a looker.  Natalie was attractive, too.

                                                On a January night, in 2016, Nicole, like Rita Baxter on "Cold Case" sneaked out of her house, to meet up with David.  She had met him, before, at a high school party, where she told him she was 16.  This was her downfall.  When she finally admitted to David she was only 13, this prince could not recall having sex with her, but feared she may be pregnant?  Huh?  How does one not remember having sex with someone?????????  I mean, come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Nevertheless, even if there was no sex, David would face charges for being with someone underage.  And Mr. Entitlement could not have that.

                                                   So, he and his good friend, Natalie Keepers, with whom he had a summer fling, (according to her), met up at a fast food chain near the school, called "Cook Out."  Instead of a study session they plotted Nicole's murder as calmly as though solving a physics problem. They even reviewed options--stabbing, shooting, strangulation.  You know, darlings, the usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Nicole vanished from her Blacksburg home on January 27.  Her body was found the following Saturday, about eighty miles away, in Surry County, North Carolina, not far from the border.

                                                     Nicole had been stabbed and her throat cut.  David did the deed, but I believe Natalie went along for the ride, to witness it all.  As she later said "David was a sociopath,  and I was a sociopath in training."  She said was she excited to be part of something so secretive and special.  Prison hell is waiting for you, too, Nat, where child killers are the most reviled.  I hope you and David both get a taste of what you did to Nicole.

                                                      That statement of Natalie's sends chills up my spine. And suspicion.
Yes, both had the charm and manipulative skills of the sociopath. But how many are self-aware of what they actually are?  I question that.  If this is self-awareness, it is scary enough.  But I have a suspicion that statement was calculated, and defense attorneys will leap on it.  Which may have been the reason Natalie said it.

                                                         As of today, this case has not gone to trial.  But, rest assured I will follow it, and the fate of these two evil bitches.  If the are not convicted, then the justice system is down the tubes.  If they are, take comfort that a future Brady and Hindley have been stopped at the beginning of their "career."

                                                         Because, trust me, had Eisenhauer and Keepers not been caught, there would have been other killings, other grieving families.

                                                          Nicole's is just one too many.

                                                   Here is Nicole's picture. To think what they did to this sweet child.

                                                   It makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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