Thursday, March 29, 2018

Baby Faced Killer, And His Victim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             For some reason, lately, the more disturbing ID programs I have seen of late are on the Internet series "Web Of Lies."  Recently, they did a story about the murder of fourteen-year-old Breck Bednar, of Caterham, Surrey in England.  The first thing that went through my mind was--What is it with crime in Great Britain?  When they go for it, they REALLY go for it!

                             I mean, Brady and Hindley, the murder of Jamie Bulger, and now THIS?????????????

                             This is the adolescent version of the James Bulger killing, and it is just as heinous.
But, first look at the pics.  Both the killer, Lewis Daynes, left, and Breck Bednar, lower right, are so baby faced they hardly seem to be in puberty.  I guess ID was restricted in casting, because the actors chosen to enact Lewis and Breck, were taller, and older.

                            What surprised me about Breck was his gullibility.  It should not have been there.  Because this kid, though a techno geek, had other things in his life going for him---loving parents and siblings, friends at school.  Breck was also in some kind of military training program, with ambitions to be a pilot.

                               He and his school friends would play video games.  As teens in this time will do.  But Breck was seduced--not sexually, but with promises of fame and career advancement and a life in New York. All by someone at first called "Lewis."  Breck's parents, Lori LaFave and Barry Bednar, were suspicious, but something in Lewis--whom the parents thought to be an older man, and possibly a pedophile--  made them question this relationship, the sense of control this guy was beginning to exert over their churchgoing son, and that he was being groomed for something, like sex or terrorism.

                                They had no idea how right a track they were on.  The night of February 17, 2015, Breck told his parents he was spending the night at a neighborhood friend's house.  When he did not return the next day, the parents contacted the friend's house, to discover Breck had not been there.

                                   Instead, Breck went to meet up with his friend, Lewis Daynes, at this seedy looking apartment building, in Essex.  The ID reenactment showed Breck walking up to the apartment.  As soon as he saw the seediness of both it and the neighborhood, which was clearly apparent in the enactment, it should have become apparent to Breck that this was his cue to run.  Had this been myself, I would have instantly asked what a supposedly megamillionaire is doing in a dump and neighborhood, like this.

                                     Even when the door opened, and the fourteen-year-old Breck saw the 19-year-old, baby faced Lewis, he could have fled.  Or said he had the wrong door.  I cannot say. Maybe Lewis would have pursued him, maybe not.  But had Breck, from that point, managed to get himself outside the building, I have little doubt he would be alive today.

                                      Lewis lured him in.  There was some rapport. But, at some point this sick serial killer on the make's demons kicked in.  Breck was tied to a chair, duct taped, and stabbed repeatedly, with Daynes getting genuine pleasure.  Then, he calmly called for the police, saying he had killed someone, and to send a forensics unit.

                                        The apartment Lewis was living in was his, as the building was owned by his grandfather.  Obviously, this kid had a troubled life.  And was a serial killer on the make; he had planned out Breck's murder, buying the duct tape and other essentials, and several years earlier, he had been charged (but I think it was dropped) with attempting to rape a fifteen-year-old boy.  So, if Daynes had not been caught after Breck's killing, this would have continued.  Daynes will be in prison till he is at least 44, but I think he should be incarcerated permanently.  Brady and Hindley were.  The boys in the James Bulger case were released, and one of them, Jon Venables, has been a source of trouble since.  The other, Robert Thompson, has supposedly been a model citizen, but I wouldn't trust him for a second.

                                          So Merry Ole England is not quite so merry, all the time.

                                           It isn't all high tea and Hayley Mills, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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