Thursday, March 1, 2018

Better Than "All The Missing Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     The trouble with Megan Miranda's first novel was that I had, recently then, read Alex Marwood's "The Wicked Girls," and nothing could top that.

                                       "The Perfect Stranger" is written in a more straightforward manner than Miranda's first novel, which I appreciated.  It delves into "Single White Female" territory, but with one key difference.  This novel's equivalent of the "Hedy" character is seen mostly in Leah Stevens' mind and memory--until the climax.

                                           What the reader gets is a tale of people going on and off the grid, hiding secrets openly, and going after someone who is trying to frame the main character.  What it lacks in originality is made up for by a fast narrative pace, and some twists and turns.  I thought I knew where this novel was going--that the person Leah is searching for would turn out to be some alternate of her self she is unaware of, as she is suffering from dissociative personality disorder.

                                              But au contraire, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I had fun with this.  Just what I needed at the time.

                                                Many consider Miranda's first novel her breakout one.  Like the
aforementioned Martha Puck, I still hold out hope.

                                                  I maintain she has yet to write it. And I so look forward to that!!!!!!!!!!!

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