Sunday, March 4, 2018

Girls, Every Living Room Should Have One Of These!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Just look at this, darlings--a pink, valentine heart shaped chair!  It was not until my third viewing of the "Cold Case" episode, "Lonely Hearts," that I noticed this chair.  At first, I thought it was in Martha Puck's apartment--perfect for a desperate-for-romance spinster.  But another look showed me that Martha and her roommate, Stephanie Levine, were watching her tape at the dating service where they were made.  This is when Martha (played so movingly by Emily Nelson) sees Ramon Del Gado on tape for the first time--and which leads to her tragic downfall.

                                   But that chair--that chair!  Darlings, forget spinsterhood; every queen should have one.  Even Baby Gojira wants one for his very own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I am telling you, it will be the conversational talk piece of any party you give!

                                     I am surprised there was not one on "I Love Lucy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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