Saturday, March 10, 2018

Has Heather Locklear Played Amanda Woodward One Too Many Times???????????????

                               Heather Locklear's February 25 arrest for domestic abuse proves women can be as domestically abusive as men.  But, with Heather, I have to wonder, has she evolved into this from  having played that bitch we all used to love, Amanda Woodward, ages ago, on "Melrose Place????????????"

                                Come on, Heather, the cameras stopped rolling on that one, long ago.  And look at Isabella Hoffman, who played the terrifying domestic abuser, Charlotte Bayes, on the 2003 "Cold Case" episode, "Churchgoing People."  I have heard no reports of Isabella going around decking anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  So, what's up, Heather?  Is this how you handle a career on the skids?  Or are you like Ronald Colman in "A Double Life," whose Othello on stage persona was taking over off stage?  Amanda Woodward would have decked anyone who threatened her--though I don't think she did,  that was the impression she, nevertheless, gave.

                                    Get a grip, Heather!  Time to let go of Amanda, and move on to grannies.

                                     Just like the rest of us, dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     You don't see Rebecca De Mornay reprising Peyton Flanders, do you, now?????????????

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