Saturday, March 31, 2018

It Was A Long Month, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But we made it!  Can you believe we are one fourth of the way through 2018?????????

                                  Time has slowed down, since my father's death, on February 12.  We still await the funeral service on April 10.  But, during March, Spring arrived--though it is hard to believe still--Cujo made some appearances, Seamus was the star of the St. Patrick's Day Parade, in Bay Ridge, Sparky sparkled at Paws Truly, and Seamus celebrated his 11th birthday on the Ides Of March.  And no one was murdered.  That I know of.

                                    'SVU' aired "Send In The Clowns," sure to be a highlight of this season.  David and I had a memorable experience both at, and on the way to and from, "A Chorus Line," I read my way through my grief, and was grateful that I could maintain the concentration to do so.

                                      And now we are on the cusp of April, said to be "the cruelest month" by T.S. Eliot, and, by my family's standards, he is right.  Add my father's funeral to the list of its cruelties.

                                        But tomorrow is Easter, which means hope for all, and the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette."  May hope be delivered to us all.

                                        I will see you tomorrow, girls.  Which, by the way, is also April Fool's Day!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Are we just April Fools, darlings?????????????????????????

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