Friday, March 9, 2018

Sending Wishes To Ruthie Ann Miles!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I remember the first time I saw Ruthie Ann Miles.  It was in "Here Lies Love," downtown at the Public Theater, back in 2013.  The gimmick was the orchestra audience was party guests, and had to move with the stage, along with the actors, as if in a huge party room.  Well, when one is young, such gimmicks are a novelty, but, being the ages we were, David and I chose to watch upstairs, from above.

                                  The staging was fascinating to watch, the story and musical derivative of "Evita." But Ruthie Ann Miles, as Imelda, was the real thing.  What Patti did for Eva, Ruthie did for Imelda.  Had it been on Broadway, she might have won a TONY Award.

                                   Two years later, "The King And I" was mounted at the Vivian Beaumont Theater, a place dear to my heart.  And there was Ruthie Ann, as Lady Thiang.  She inhabited this role so well,  I had forgotten we had seen her as Imelda.  And then, when she sang the classic, "Something Wonderful," the blending of her voice and the lush melody caused me to cry REAL tears!!!!!!!!  Darlings, I sobbed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And, before I knew it, Ruthie won a TONY Award, for this role.

                                    I was a bit confused, when I first heard about the accident that happened on Monday.  I know Ruthie had been injured badly, that she was pregnant, and that her four-year-old daughter, Abigail, and another child, had been tragically killed.

                                     For some reason, I got it into my head that all the players, including the perp, were riding in cars, or a taxi, and this had been some kind of collision.  But it wasn't.

                                     Ruthie and the children were crossing a street in their Park Slope neighborhood, when a vehicle, driven by 44 year old bitch, Dorothy Bruns, seemed to go out of control, striking those crossing the street, injuring Ruthie and killing her daughter and the other child.

                                     Bruns has had her license suspended.  She ran a red light, and claims she was having some sort of seizure.  I wonder.  If this dame's background is looked into, I am sure you will find she is shady.  She may not be some Miss Roundheels, but, at 44, she is some Entitled Bitch!!!!!!!!

                                      Ruthie and company had the light.  They should have been safe,  I bet this career bitch was running late to a meeting--business or 12 step--or had to get her nails done, or go to Yoga.

                                      Now, Ruthie is minus a daughter.  I hope they throw the book at Bruns.

                                       Who could imagine crossing a street would become like crossing a mine field?????????  Look all ways, girls, because, I am telling you, technology has made bad drivers out of good.

                                         Yet my anger is tempered by wanting to wish Ruthie and her forthcoming child the best, and offer condolences on Abigail.

                                          Live your life, Ruthie!  And may we see you on stage another time!!!!!!!!!!!