Friday, March 16, 2018

Seth Rudetsky Is A Moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               There just is no accounting for dizzy Theater Queens, dolls, and who should know, better than I?  Usually, I don't have a beef with Seth; his deconstructing of show tunes, which I took on, and his musicianship are superb.  I would love having him as an accompanist.

                                 But I really have to say something when he got into the whole "Gypsy"/Little Lamb" thing.

                                 That song has caused more problems for the show.  When it was being mounted, back in 1959, Jerome Robbins wanted it out, and Jule Styne said if it went, he would, too.  I can see why Robbins wanted it out; it is a book song, and, originally, he had planned "Gypsy" to be a concept musical, minimally staged, celebrating the history of the variety stage in America.

                                  It had to be a book musical, the drama was so palpitating.

                                  But for Seth Rudetsky to say he dislikes "Little Lamb" so much that when listening to "Gypsy" cast recordings, he skips the song, going directly to "Dainty June And Her Farmboys," well, Seth, you are just one big MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   "Little Lamb" is a gorgeous song.  Soft and tender, which is something this loudest and brassiest of shows needs.  More important, though Rose is the lead character, Louise/Gypsy gets the title, and this song is important in getting to know something about her--that she knows she is not the best, that she knows she is performing beyond her age level, and that she is being deprived of a different kind of childhood she may have wanted, but at least holding and singing to the lamb gives her some semblance of.  Without "Little Lamb." Louise's character would not make much sense.

                                   Seth, get with the program!  Darlings, give the song a listen.  It is simply gorgeous and will make you cry!

                                     Here is the song from the Patti Lu Pone revival!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Baaaaaaaaaaaaa to you, Seth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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