Thursday, March 8, 2018

This Bitch Is One Piece Of Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             The novel, "The Perfect Nanny," which I recently posted about, is really the Yoselyn Ortega case, now in trial.  She is the Dominican bitch who murdered her employers' children--Leo Krim, aged 2, and Lucia Krim, aged 6, by stabbing them in the bathtub, back in October of 2012.  Then she tried to cover her own ass by slashing herself up.  But not enough to kill--just to survive.

                             Needless to say, when I read the novel, and looked into the real case, which happened on Manhattan's Upper West Side, I knew I had found this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                              At least Rebecca De Mornay was pretty, when she played Peyton Flanders.  But this ugly thing mirrors the evil that lies within.  Look at those eyes--the eyes of a killer.

                               This sick Medea had better get the slammer!  And kept apart from the other femme inmates, who will want to tear her hair and eyes out.  On the other hand, why stop them?  Did she show those two children any mercy???????????????

                                 My heart goes out to the Krims, who had no idea what they were bringing into their home.  Even Mary Poppins had better references.  This tragedy will haunt them the rest of their lives.

                                   Good help is hard enough to find, these days, darlings, but now Yoselyn Ortega has just upped the ante, there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Fry in hot grease, you bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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