Monday, March 5, 2018

What Was With This Set? Was It Trying To Emulate "The Shape Of Water???????????"

                           Though I saw more nominated films this year than others, and, because of all the things going on in my non-blog life, I have not said much about the Oscars. Last evening, as David and I tried to get through another yet tedious presentation, he said, "You have to say SOMETHING on your blog."

                             And so I shall.  Here goes.

                             Let's start with MERYL--hair coiffed, dressed in red.  Classiest one there.  As always.

                              Contrast her with Jennifer Lawrence. What kind of slut ho' look was she

going for?  That dress?  That hair?  Oh, my God!

                                I couldn't be more thrilled for Frances McDormand.  I was, in fact, rooting for her.  But did she have to come, dressed as her character?   Somewhere in the back of my mind, it registers with me that she has a penchant for doing this.  Fran, hon, get it together off screen like you do on.  Honoring the other femme nominees was brilliant, but putting Oscar down like a doll, and sputtering?  More was expected, dear.  But we love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 What the hell was Nicole Kidman wearing?  She looked like she was trying to morph into Doug Jones' Amphibian Man from "The Shape Of Water."  And he is more attractive than she!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    To think this and the TONYS are supposed to be the Gay Super Bowls.  I hate to say this, but, compared to the Oscars, the straights do a better job with the Super Bowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     All the shots of past Best Actress Nominees and winners and not ONE SHOT of Jennifer Jones in "The Song Of Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Inexcusable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      The show just cannot get past that 3.5 hour length!  No matter how hard they try!

                                         "This Is Me."  What the hell was that?  It's not over, till the fat lady sings?
It wasn't over; the show kept going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             As for the other winners, I was happy for all, and awarding them made sense.  There were some early moments when I thought the Academy was going to go right wing on us, and name "Dunkirk" Best Picture.  And what a shame "Lady Bird" did not get anything.  But, hey, the film I thought was the best of the year was not even nominated--Todd Haynes' "Wonderstruck."
                                            But the most unpardonable, egregious act of all on this year's presentation, was the complete absence of Heather Menzies from the  "In Memoriam" portion of the program.  She died this past Christmas Eve, which is not even three months ago--yet.  She will always be Louisa Von Trapp in "The Sound Of Music" to so many of us.  And kudos to her work in "Sssssssssss.....," too. And Charmian Carr, who passed in 2016, was mentioned last year.

                                            The Academy owes an enormous apology to Heather, the movie "Sound Of Music" survivors, (one of whom, Christopher Plummer, was in the audience, as a Supporting Actor Nominee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and Heather's family.

                                             This is enough to make the Academy Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             The Oscars used to bring me joy and excitement.  Now, it brings out the bitch in me.  But you love it, right, darlings?????????????????

                                               Lastly, the sets!  What was going on there?  I am telling you, if "The Shape Of Water" had lost, egg would have been on the designers' faces, as the look of the show seemed to telegraph that film's win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Hons, the show has been is shit shape for years!  And it keeps looking that way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Everything this year was so uninspiring, I only cared about three technical awards and two acting awards.

    I wanted Allison Janney to win, and she did. Ditto Sam Rockwell, who has earned it many times over in other films in addition "Billboards".

    I wanted "Blade Runner 2049" to sweep Cinematography, Visual Effects, and Set Design (as did anyone with eyeballs who saw the film). It deservedly won the first two, but inexplicably got screwed out of Set Design by "Shape".

    Seriously, Academy? Are you people effing blinder the Helen Keller? "Shape Of Water" had the same dreary dingy "Bride Of Frankenstein" knockoff set design Del Toro uses in every damned one of his films and TV shows. "Blade Runner 2049" was exquisitely realized by comparison, even more impressive when one factors it had to simultaneously match yet improve upon the original, iconic "Blade Runner" designs of 1982.

    It was sufficient "Shape" stepped in shit to win "Best Picture" by default, simply because it was the blandest of the nominees this year (and thus least likely to "trigger" the dimwits who rage on Twitter 24/7). There was no need to give it an unearned award for Set Design in a feeble attempt to manufacture a "sweep". BR:2049 wiped the floor with it, anyone who saw both is either laughing or furious this morning.


  2. Back in 1943, "Casablanca" was named
    Best Picture. But what film won the
    most Oscars that year. "The Song Of

    I was resigned to 'Shape' winning,
    and David was happy, Allison and
    Frances wins made me happiest.

    They are now saying the program
    hit an all-time low in ratings.
    So why do they keep bothering with
    the same tired format?

    I see now why no one wants to host
    the Oscars!
