Thursday, April 5, 2018

Fat, Scumbag, Loser Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I know so many of you out there thought I would choose the YouTube shooter as this week's Bitch Of The Week.  She has gotten enough mention for her sickness, so I really don't feel compelled to add to what has already been said.  What she did, and why, was absolutely heinous and sick.

                              However, infanticide, especially when done by a parent, outdoes anything else for heinous, except animal cruelty.

                               On June 18, 2014, in Vinings, Georgia--Southern White Trash, of course, darlings!!!!!!-- Ross Harris was supposed to drive his 22-month-old son, Cooper, to day care. Instead, this bastard left his sweet child in an enclosed car, for seven hours, with the hot, Georgia sun, bearing down on that innocent little head.  He claimed it was an accident, that he had no idea the child was there.   Yeah, right!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                He was convicted, and sentenced to LWOP.  But I want to go further.  His idiot wife, Leanna, not only defended this scum in court, but I think she should have been charged along with him.

                                Listen to me, Leanna, you dumb, Georgia whore, if you could not see the psychosis in your husband's eyes, the narcissism that did not want parenthood or domesticity, then you are as dumb a fool as he.  You are guilty of not protecting your child.  Or was the defense some ruse to keep your jobless lifestyle, where you either sit around and drink beer, or pretend to be Bryce Dallas Howard as Hilly in "The Help," when, in reality you are the same kind of monster that Elizabeth was in the novel????????????????

                                 Poor, sweet Cooper.  If you didn't want him, you dumb fucks, you could have put him up for adoption.  Or, better yet, haven't you two heard of birth control?????????  Oh, you bet I am angry!!!!!!!!!!!!  He should be castrated--awake!--and she should get a hysterectomy.

                                  No, child murderers are the worst bitches.  Ross gets singled out here, but I think wife Leanna deserves honorable mention!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   You sick pieces of scum.

                                    To calm us all down, and offer hope for Cooper, here is Sarah McLachlan's song, "In The Arms Of An Angel," to comfort Cooper, and us with the hope that the angels took his sweet soul right away, without suffering.

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