Thursday, April 19, 2018

Hey, Cats!!!!!!!!!!! Dig This! Time To Bring Back The Spook Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             My favorite sequence in the 1958 film "The Blob" is the one in the movie theater.  It is Saturday night, and the kids are all at a midnight screening of the 1955 film "Daughter Of Horror," (sometimes known as "Dementia") where the demons are emerging from Hell, and Ed McMahon (Yes!!!!!!!!!!) is narrating it.  As Steve McQueen and Aneta Corsaut arrive, one of the kids says to them, "Hey, I thought you cats didn't dig the Spook Show?"  Then, comes the Blob attack, as it squeezes into, and out of, the theater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             What ever happened to the Midnight Spook Show????????  I am not talking about overly screened presentations of "The Rocky Horror Show," with genuine amateurs making community theater look less professional than it actually is, but the time when real, obscure trash would be shown as cheap, campy entertainment!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I can recall a time in the Sixties, when reading the movie section of the Newark News was the highlight of my day!  Now, back then, Newark was even sleazier than today, and it had some real theater dives!  I guess I would call them grind houses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yet, for all their trashiness, they were an art form, in and of themselves!

                                 There was a midnight program I recall vividly. It was at one of these cheap houses, on a Friday or Saturday night.  The program was billed as a "Four Hour Horrorama," beginning at midnight.  The four features were the 1956 "The Hunchback Of Notre Dame," with Anthony Quinn and Gina Lollobrigida, (Go Figure!) 1958's "The Bride And The Beast,"
  and two favorites of mine, which I had seen already--"The Giant Behemoth," from 1959, and "Daughter Of Dr. Jekyll," from 1957.

                                    Of course, I was not allowed to attend.  And, at the age I am now, I am not so sure I could stay awake, during a midnight show!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But what if trash like this were brought back, and the Spook Show concept reinvented? It might get myself, and others my age, out at night, and introduce a whole new generation to artful trash!  Better than the real trash they are exposed to right now!!!!!!!!

                                       Of course, I know, any one of us, thanks to DVD's, could simply set up a program, and have people over to watch, especially at midnight!  But wouldn't it be more fun in a cheap, sleazy, theatrical venue?  And, no, I am not talking about some peoples' apartments!!!!!!!!!!
I am talking about the real thing!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I even know someone who would make a brilliant programmer, and he knows whom I am talking to!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, let's find a venue, and start programming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    You cats will dig it the most, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. ...Blood-hungry spawn of the world's most bestial fiend!!


  2. What a great title for the program!

    I want to avoid things like "Cannibal Holocaust,"
    and bring back vintage trash like "The Beast of
    Hollow Mountain," "The Monster From The Ocean Floor,"
    and, of course, "She Demons!!!!!!"
