Saturday, April 14, 2018

"If Candy Eating's Your Specialty, Get the Emenee Chocolate Factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 Emenee was a toy company, in the Sixties of my childhood, that specialized, first, in faux musical instruments, and, later weird gadgetry.  I did not have the Chocolate Factory, and I am not sure if I really wanted it, because, even then, I had my suspicions about it.  What kind of ingredients came with the set, to make chocolate?  How safe was it for one to eat it?  And when supplies eventually ran out, was that it?  Because, if so, this toy had a limited period of usefulness. Or, did one just write to the toy company for more, or could one just go to the supermarket, and purchase safer, professionally manufactured substitutions????????????????
                               Now, what I had was the Emenee Enlarg-A-Graph.  The whole thing looked like a giant Xerox printer, and came with stencils and pencils onto which you would draw and trace multiple copies of things.  I am telling you, the toy industry saw the advent of technology, and were slowly indoctrinating us young baby boomers into what would become part of our lives, as adults.

                               I don't recall playing with this much.  I was not technological then, still preferring board games, as I do to this day.  The Enlarg-A-Graph sat on a white shelf in my home basement for years, until the house was sold, and maybe my games along with it, in 1980.

                                 I wonder what happened to Emenee?  Were they bought out by someone else?  They tried to be top tier, but were always second.  Or third.

                                Who knew what one took for granted, then, might have some value and meaning, now??????????????????      

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