Saturday, April 14, 2018

Lin Manuel Miranda Has Shingles!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, Really???????????????????

                                    This guy is some media whore, darlings.  With "Hamilton" no longer a novelty, he is desperate for publicity.  So, he comes up with shingles. Now, I am not disputing that he is ill, I just question the accuracy of this illness.

                                       Because this media whore, so full of himself, darlings, is also the other kind of whore.  What's more he is a great big closet case, so I would not be surprised if he has some form of herpes or chlamydia!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He refuses to own up to what he is, because his ambition is so insatiable he wants to go beyond the realm of the theater community--and that realm does not like gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Hey, Lin, I have yet to see your overrated show.  Pity, as you made such a fine start with "In The Heights."  And now you  are going to do "Mary Poppins Returns?"  Are you kidding me?

                                          Wife?  What wife?  More like a beard. And who is this eight month old kid you've been peddling around?  Probably a cousin's cousin illegitimate kid from the barrio!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            You think you have left el barrio, Lin, but you really haven't.

                                             You are trash masquerading as art!  And now the mask is slowly peeling off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You said it! I am not saying
    he isn't talented. But a little
    less arrogance, more modesty and
    graciousness would go a long way.
    He acts like his success is owed him!
