Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Corporatization Of Manhattan Has Made It Difficult For Individuals To Come Here, And Re-Invent Themselves!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Like Blanche Du Bois, Rollerena, doyenne of the Manhattan camp tier social scene in the Eighties and Nineties, was the embodiment of self-invention.  I always thought--and still do--that he is, secretly, my move mad friend, Harvey.  The other rumor I have heard is that Rollerena was some downtown Wall Streeter.  What a joke on corporate America that would be.

                                     But there is no room for jokes and senses of humor anymore, because Manhattan has become such a corporate beehive where its denizens take themselves SO seriously, they might as well have sticks up their asses.  And I could name you several, who do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       What ever happened to Rollerena?????????  If you lived here, during the Eighties or Nineties, you were privy to a sighting.  But now, where has she gone?  Is she even still alive?

                                          Worse yet, I know there are aspiring Rollerenas, or those who yearn for self-invention, out there, but Manhattan culture does not allow for such at this point in time.  In some ways, we are back to the era of 'Streetcar' where any expression of individuality is branded as insanity, with those confined, like Blanche, to institutions.

                                            Well, I say, listen to Blanche.  "Don't hang back with the brutes!"  Times change, the pendulum will swing, and those honchos who think they are so on top of the world are going to topple and fall.  It is something to hope for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              May I live to see the re-emergence of Rollerena!  This sort of spirited vivacity is desperately needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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