Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Time To Welcome A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Always glad to have a new reader on board.  I have no idea of whom that may be, so I will just call said individual No. 72, as the follower indicator now is up to that number.

                         The year has been a rough one, what with my father's passing, so I will try not to go all Joan Didion.  There is still plenty of gossip, fashion, and camp, to discuss.  If you peruse the last couple months, I think you will see I have tried my best to maintain a balance!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          And, of course this blog goes great, with coffee.  I never write, without it!!!!!!!!!!

                           So, welcome, No. 72, feel free to comment, and now, this blog's unofficial theme song!!!!!!!!!!!


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