Thursday, April 26, 2018

What A Fucking Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Colleen Campbell may not be as bad as whom I call the "Kiss My Fuckin' Ass Subway Bitch," but this skank thing from Philly is enough to be named this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                             Just look at the attitude on that face!  You can tell she is a bitch, from the get go!

                            This mother ho', would you believe is a graduate in Journalism, from Temple?  I almost went there for the same thing, back in the Seventies.  Shows how low their standards have come to admit garbage like this.  Colleen is no graduate of Miss Porter's or some Chestnut Hill Main Liner.  She main lines, all right!  She probably was raised among prostitutes on the streets of Kensington, amid crack vials and pipes!  Who the hell do you think you are, Colleen!

                             And this tramp bargained her way into Channel PHL-17, for a first job that her behavior one Sunday eve, outside a bar in Center City, which she patronized and then drank herself into a stupor, but not enough to knock her out, got her eventually fired from!!!!!!!! All this started back on the evening of June 4, 2017!  When a cop confronts her on her behavior, what does she do?  She tells him to lick her A-hole, calls him a cocksucker, and I would not be surprised if some racial epithets were hurled!  Real classy, bitch!!!!!!!

                            Miss Wrong Side Of The Tracks is not so high and mighty now, is she??????  Hey, Colleen, why don't you team up with that other piece of garbage, Rose McGowan, and do an a bitch rant!  What else have got to do, anyway??????????

                             Now, darlings, I hear Colleen has said she has been getting death threats, over this.
That is going a bit too far.  Her A-hole behavior is not heinous enough to merit death; just a night in jail or a padded cell for making a fool of herself!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Congrats, Colleen, on being a first class bitch!

                                How does it feel to be out bitched by a bitch???????????????

                                Take a look at this piece of trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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