Saturday, April 21, 2018

What Happened To Kerri, The Original Sparkle Fairy???????????????

                               I just loved the original actress playing Kerri, the Sparkle Fairy, on those paper towel commercials.  The original actress, whom I just loved, but whose name I do not know, was perfect, and I loved her.  Her New York blend of sauciness and Borscht Belt routine was priceless, and I loved it.  And I am sure it helped to sell the product.

                               But, in today's age of processed crap, where most consider Velveeta to be as elitist a cheese as brie, the manufacturers of Sparkle had to discard the original actress, casting, in her place, a bland, processed thing, who bores me to tears, and will do nothing for the product.

                                How dare such a good thing is ruined???????????

                                Listen, you boobs, bring back the Original Sparkle Fairy!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                 Or, I will get Christina Hendricks, as Joan, on "Mad Men," after you!  You would not want to mess with HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  It would be worse than messing with ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I just saw a commercial with the new sparkle fairy and thought wtf? I immediately went online to see wtf happened and theres nothing. The new one is just blah


  2. I agree. There is no wit
    or edge to her. And if the
    ad does not work, the product
    will not sell! It is their

  3. This is bull. I love the original


  4. I agree! The original
    was the best. Bring her back.

  5. Sure don't enjoy the latest commercials with the new actress, they're dull and boring.


  6. Unknown,

    I agree with you wholeheartedly.
    And I have noticed in my area that
    their airing is declining.

  7. Saw the commercial today, for the 2nd time, for Sparkle Paper Towels and Thought.. hum I remember that the the only reason I tried them, was Because of the Lady who portrayed Fairy! I thought she was great. Is it not politically correct to have her in the commercial? Because if it is, I am even more fed up with the Political Correctness that Ever one has to walk on EggShells! Sick of it and I want to enjoy the commercial again!


  8. Donna,
    I have not tried Sparkle
    towels, but had tho original
    fairy been kept, I am sure I
    would have gotten around to it.

    What could have been politically
    incorrect about the first one?
    I never considered that, but you
    raise an interesting point.

    As stated before, I have noticed
    an airing decline of the new commercial
    in my area. Maybe the manufacturers are
    rethinking this. I hope so!!!!!!!!

  9. The Sparkle Fairy was “re-images” by a new PR firm creating the new ad campaign. Donna nailed it when she said it was a move to be more PC. I do not like the new fairy and the image created by Kerri the sparkle fairy was more in line with the image Sparkle wants. A poor choice for sure. Here’s what the article said.

    To showcase Georgia-Pacific’s Sparkle paper towels as a brand that celebrates smart and savvy choices, the Sparkle team has partnered with San Francisco-based creative agency, Cutwater, for its new Make the Bright Choice campaign, which encourages consumers to spend less on every day little messes with Sparkle paper towels.

    While Sparkle has always prided itself as a smart choice, it’s ready to show off its spirited side with a new package design and a re-imaged Sparkle Fairy (designed by Rebecca Weinberg) to celebrate our consumer’s bright and savvy choices like not over spending on everyday little messes.

    Through this campaign, Cutwater and the Sparkle brand aim to encourage the resourcefulness of sensible consumers in a fun and innovative way, celebrating the brand’s loyal audience and driving greater support among other retail customers.

    The newly restyled Sparkle Fairy acts as a spirited, witty best friend to consumers, with a sensible and practical outlook. She serves as a symbol to celebrate individuality and assist in spending less per sheet on the mess with the brand’s paper towels.

    1. After all this time I still won't use sparkle towels.


  10. Nicole
    Thank you so much for all
    this information. However,
    I think the original Sparkle
    Fairy had more wit and
    practicality. She was almost
    a hipster, but fun. The one
    they have now is simply bland.

    Thanks for your comments.

  11. I agree with you as I posted above. My opinion was the first paragraph, everything else was the article and their (the author of the article, sparkle, and their marketing firm)opinions.


  12. Nicole,

    Thanks for posting. I re-read
    the "marketing firm" opinions, but
    think they will eventually will lose
    out, as this fairy has NO Sparkle
    to her! Time will tell!

    Take care!

  13. What a wonderful opportunity. We want the original Sparkle Fairy to come back and clean up this mess. Use her Sparkle Towels to wipe out this mundane blob and clean off the stain of this generic replacement.

    1. Haha I love it what a great commercial that would make.I agree bring her back you bonehead advertising guys.

  14. They tried getting rid of the "Trivago" guy. Mistake! He's back bring the first "Sparkle" fairy back!
    Please please please please!


  15. Unknown,

    Bonehaed is the right word.
    They had such a good and fun
    way of selling their product.
    And they blew it! If sales
    go down, and I bet they
    have, the onus is on them!


  16. Linda Haynes Jackson,

    I had no idea they tried getting
    rid of the Trivago guy. What a
    mistake that would have been. That
    guy is HOT! A ringing endorsement
    for the older man.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I was wondering what happened to the original Sparkle Fairy.
    She “Sparkled “ playing the fairy... a natural!
    The new fairy is just a woman in a costume....absolutely no sparkle with this commercial ...


  19. The company got rid of her, for no
    good reason, as I can see. I am with
    you, this fairy has no "sparkle."

  20. I agree bring back the first sparkle fairy you need to clean this up


  21. Unknown,

    I am with you all the way.

  22. Totally with everyone else! I don't like this new Sparkle fairy!!! Bring back the first one!


  23. Unknown,

    You have my vote, on
    that one!

  24. I agree; bring back the original sparkle fairy. She was perfect and I bought the product because I liked her. I usually ignore commercials but made an exception this time. That's how effective she was.

  25. I HATE to be mean, and its not that I don't like the replacement fairy, but I miss the original. Nobody likes it when the original anybody is replaced. Im sure shes a great little actress but shes not the Kerri we miss and love. I'm with y'all, BRING ORIGINAL KERRI BACK!!!!


  26. Unknown and LLM,

    I agree with LLM. No
    one likes when an original
    is replaced, for no good reason.
    And especially when she is not up
    to the original's level. I say,
    with you all--Bring back the Original
    Sparkle fairy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I agree. Please bring back the original Sparkle fairy! She has the sparkle needed for your ads.

  27. I just loved the original. What happened to her. I miss her. Bring her back, please.


  28. BcElginTex,

    I could not agree more.
    What's interesting, at least in
    my area, they have stopped airing
    the more recent commercial, with
    the "new" one. Interesting.

  29. I just saw it and it’s duller than dishwater. The original was a million times better!


  30. George,

    I cannot believe the ad is
    still being aired. I agree--
    bring back the original!!!!!

  31. Actors name of the original fairy here:

  32. I am so happy to see I am not alone. Just really miss the original ads and the the original Sparkle Fairy. The new one is a very pale comparison to the original.


  33. Molly,
    I am with you all the way.
    In my area, they have stopped
    airing Sparkle Fairy commercials!

  34. bring back the original sparkle women. What happen to her.

  35. I haven't bought sparkle product since you let the real sparkle girl go!


  36. Unknown,
    I agree with you--bring back the
    original Sparkle Fairy. I never used
    the product, but if she were to come
    back, I might start!

    Thanks for commenting!

  37. The problem is that the new fairy is neither spirited nor witty.

  38. This new girl is a deterrent to sales. I stopped buying Sparkle because of her. Bring back our choice, she is what sold your product. As dumb a move as "New Coke". Wake up and admit you are wrong.

  39. Advertising no longer has anything to do with products, it is just a forum for corporation to shove their political opinions and social commentary down our throats. For example why do all mattress commercials now feature Inter-racial couples in bed together. Do the really think that encourages people to buy their mattresses?


  40. Unknowns,

    I am with you all. Regarding the
    advertising for mattresses featuring
    interacial couples, which is fine with
    me, but what about same sex couples. As
    a gay man, especially with Match and the
    others, it bothers me same sex couples
    are not featured. And my husband and I
    met on Match!

    Thanks, everyone, for sharing!


  41. Unknown,

    Yes, we are on the same page about Kerri!
    Have not seen the ad with the new one in
    some time. Maybe this wish will come true!


  42. Unknown,

    I am with you on this, all the way!

  43. Just another PC ad agency move. Bringing her back won't happen.


  44. Mr. T.
    How is changing the Sparkle Fairy PC?
    I don't get it.

  45. Unknown,
    I support you on that. Bring back
    the Sparkle Fairy!

  46. What is wrong with these companies?? They go from having an exciting and witty character to the two broke girls model of lazy acting and poor direction. They might as well start selling preused toilet paper

  47. Unknown,

    I am with you all the way.
    And they defeat their own purpose.

  48. Mhaha3

    You know something? I have not
    seen any Sparkle Fairy ads in
    several months. Wonder if they
    went under? Yes, the original should
    have been retained.
