Thursday, May 31, 2018

And So....Farewell To May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I am closing this month--five already; where has the time gone?--with the above, because the big event, this month,  was my father's internment on May 14, (incidentally, the 41st anniversary of my graduation from Seton Hall, which both my mother and he were present for) still a very hard thing for me to write about and process.  I can only say I am glad to have lived this long, for my parents' sake, because there was a time, early in my life, when they thought I might not.

                                     But May was filled with other things--Julie Andrews espousing the month in the song from "Camelot," the opening of "MAME" on May 24, a trip to Cape May, on May 5, seeing the brilliant Marin Ireland in "Summer And Smoke," down at the CSC.

                                       And I think this month accounts for the most posts I have written in a month this year.

                                        Who could imagine?

                                          And tomorrow, we are already in June--lots of birthdays, the TONY Awards, and, to the "Carousel" company, The Raving Queen is attending on Sunday, June 24--Gay Pride!!!!!!!!!!!!  What could be better!  So, be on your toes, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          As for the rest of you twinklers, I will see you, next month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I love the Irish Blessing; it always reminds me of The Benediction Prayer.


  2. Victoria,
    I never made that connection, but
    you are right! It was a mixture of
    fun and sad, my May.
