Saturday, May 19, 2018

I Am A "Native New Yorker" Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                "When he dropped you off, at East 83rd!"
                                                  --Odyssey, "Native New Yorker," 1977

                                        What a day it was, yesterday, darlings.  David had a doctor appointment, I was on a book hunt, and we wanted to see the "Heavenly Bodies" exhibit at The Metropolitan Museum Of Art.  In the Anna Wintour Center, no less, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        ANNA was not there.  She is probably now in attendance, at the Royal Wedding!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Anyway, after completing the appointment, we took the bus uptown, to The Met, and were actually prosaically dropped off at East 83rd!  You know you are a New Yorker, when that happens, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        How to capture the experience?  Only one way I know.


  1. If they never used this song in Sex And The City, they messed up...


  2. Unknown,

    Though I write a good deal
    about NYC, I was never a big
    follower of Sex And The City.
    I had exposure to it, but I
    was not a fan. They may
    have used the song, for all I
    Know. If they did not, I agree
    with you, shame on them!

    Thanks for commenting!
