Sunday, May 6, 2018

I Have Not Been Thinking Clearly, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It was only late last week that I actually realized I had written my Thursday Bitch Of The Week column on Wednesday.  I just have not been thinking clearly.

                                What's more I feel as if I am not doing enough, writing enough, reading enough.  I probably am, but, what with a bout of writer's block, I feel I am not living up to my own expectations, let alone those of others.

                                   And I have been having strange dreams.  In one, I was riding down a hill in a pie tin, the other side of which, crust and filling, were half eaten.  I think it was apple.

                                    Last night involved biology class and mouthing off to some mean girls, and being the enemy of the school, where I thought I would be kicked out.  I was not too upset by that, but ready to fight.

                                     But now I am back to writing, at least. And wait till you hear of our weekend trip!


  1. I feel your pain.
    Physical exhaustion is one thing, it's the emotional and Spiritual exhaustion the gets to me!
    And Financial lol


  2. Victoria,

    Yes, physical and emotional pain
    can wear down one. I guess I am
    still mourning my father, and every
    now and then, it hits me.

    Thank God I have David with me!
