Monday, May 7, 2018

Isn't This Beautiful????????? Our Trip Took A Decidely Catholic Turn, Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         This beautiful church, in Cape May, has the equally beautiful  name of Our Lady Star Of The Sea.  What poetry.  David and I made a pilgrimage into the church, where I lit candles for my father, my friend Doug, now gone on year, and "A Chorus Line" alum Sammy Williams, whom I had not a chance to light a candle for, since he passed, on March 17.  As Sammy had been a Jersey boy, like myself, this location especially appropriate.

                                          And housed something I did not expect, considering my fascination.  Inside one of the side entrances, on  a table, was a statue of the Holy Virgin, and Bernadette!  Yes!  If this was not a sign from God, where I am concerned, well, then, as the film says, "no explanation is possible."

                                          You should have seen the statue of Jesus, stars against a blue background, on the front lawn of the convent!  I was so excited by that convents!  But, then, convents exert that type of power over me!

                                            But I am glad all this was there.  It made me feel doubly welcome and safe. Along with my precious, David.

                                             I tell you, it was a mini-miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!