Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Oh, My God! Either I Will Have To Slim Down, Or Have Massive Alterations Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Do any of you know what this is, darlings?  It is something I have always wanted to wear.  I expect some of you know.

                                   That is right!  It is the curtain dress worn by the late, great Heather Menzies, as Louisa Von Trapp, in the 1965 film, "The Sound Of Music."

                                      Heather wore lots of great outfits in the film, but this was my favorite. And wanting to be Heather, from the time I first saw the film, as a child, it is no surprise this would be my favorite dress.

                                      If I were the age Heather was when she wore it--14--I could probably step into it.  At this point, I would either have to diet for at least a year, or have the waist expanded so much I would lose the Heather look, wearing that dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I wonder where it rests.  Does Heather's family have it?

                                       Imagine, girls!  Just to hold it up in front of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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