Monday, May 7, 2018

The Justifiable Murder Of Jason Corbett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Before I even get started, let me say I know what I am in for, One or more ID nuts out there, will attack me for this post, let alone its title.  All I can say is, as I watched the case of Jason Corbett's murder, I grew angrier and angrier, convinced the jury gave Jason, though deceased, a free ride, at the expense of his wife, Molly and father, Thomas Martens.

                                 The case, as presented on ID last night, was a tale of two continents--America and Europe--and two places--North Carolina and Limmerick, Ireland.

                                  I can't disparage Jason's family for supporting him, because I can understand the Jason they saw may not be the one I saw.   What I saw was an abusive husband and father, the real life version of Roger Mulvaney, in the "Cold Case" classic episode, "A Perfect Day" (aka "The Choice").

                                 Choice is one thing Molly did not have.  I also could not get a handle on where Molly and Jason met. Here in America, or Ireland?

                                  The super straight, probably homophobic, and all around pussy hound, was a businessman--who else goes into the profession??????--and had been married before.  When things started going awry for Molly, I would have contacted the ex-wife. Or, perhaps she was deceased, which the program did not say, and if she were that would make me even more suspicious of Jason.

                                    I would like to have known more of Jason's family background, to get an idea of where his abusive nature had come from.  Daddy Corbett, perhaps??????  But, as I can tell you, the Irish tell no least, about themselves or those around them!  They are, righteously so, clannish!!!!!!!!!!

                                     A recorded argument the couple had in front of their children was so explosive, I feared for them.  Jason was a sadistic bastard who verbally and physically tortured Molly, up to and including strangulation sex games!  Sick, right?

                                     Let me add here the reason Molly did not walk, when she could have, was that she cared so much about Jason's children, by someone else, and who had come to accept her as their mother.  She did not want to leave the kids alone with him, because, with no one else in sight, he would have taken his rage out on them.  And she could not take the kids with her, because controlling Jason, at every turn, refused her request to adopt them.  Which Molly cared enough to want to do.

                                       So she stayed.  The night of August 2, 2015, everything came together.  A perfect storm was created.  Molly's folk arrived at the Corbettt home around eight-thirty, and stayed the night. Thomas Martens was awakened by cries of hurt from his daughter's bedroom and, walking in, witnessed Molly being strangled by Jason, as he dragged her into the bathroom, enraged, saying,
"I'm going to kill her!"   This was prompted by Jason being enraged over Molly having simply gotten out of bed to go to the daughter's room, comforting her, as she had had a nightmare.  Nice, huh?

                                         Thomas took a baseball bat he had given the son earlier, and with it, bashed Jason on the head, knocking him down.  I would have liked to see him swing that bat so hard Jason's head would come off, like a baseball, and go flying through the air, shattering the window, and spinning out into the night!!!!!!  This bastard deserved it, and that is why Thomas and Molly kept fighting.  I don't blame them a bit.  Once they had Jason down on the ground, he was  not going to get up again, or it would have been worse for everyone.  So, they hit and hit till Jason was dead, taking out their rage on all that he had inflicted on them.

                                          But the dumb jury, aided by his Irish family, were more concerned with preserving the mythology of patriarchy than justice.  I want you to go back and listen to Stephanie March's monologue in her recent 'SVU' appearance, where she talks about the lack of justice women like Molly receive.  I am telling you, had Jason survived, he would have walked!

                                             His family now has his kids in Ireland.  I can't comment; I am sure they are loved and cared for.  Jason may have been a monster, but he is family, they love  him, I get it.

                                              Those of us further removed, like myself, see Jason, and the miscarriage of justice Molly and Thomas got, as being representative of a system that protects the abuser if alive, or their mythology, if dead.

                                                 I hope some Victims Advocates group gets to work on this one!
                                                 I want to see Thomas and Molly get exonerated and freed from prison!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. She went to Ireland to be the children's nanny, after their mother died.


  2. So, that is how she met Jason.
    He became interested in her, and
    then married! Saddest illustration
    I have seen of the idea that no good
    deed goes unpunished. She did
    not deserve what she got!
