Thursday, May 31, 2018

This Bitch Is Literally Full Of Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Before getting to the topic at hand, girls, I feel obligated to say something about Roseanne.  I have just two simple words.

                                      Who cares?  Bet you thought they would be something else.

                                       Well, yeah, that, too.  But I never was a fan of Roseanne, who, by the success of her show, helped in reducing us to a White Trash nation, by glorifying it each week.  Fat pig has been asking for it, now she gets what she deserves.

                                         Enough.  I have said my piece.

                                         The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award has been unidentified in the media, so I shall call her Miss Poop Deck.  If you thought Roseanne was disgusting--and she is--this outdoes her completely.

                                           At a Tim Hortons store, in Langley, British Columbia, about a week and a half ago, Miss Poop Deck, who has a history of bad behavior, with the store, walked in, and asked a clerk to use the restroom.

                                            Management denied her because of her past behavior, and nothing else.

                                            What followed was so scatological I could not watch the video, nor, for
the sake of taste, will I post it on here.  Describing it is bad enough.

                                             Miss Poop Deck retaliated by, in front of the cashier, pulling down her pants, and doing her business right there on the floor, visible to everyone.

                                              Already I know what you are thinking--"Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!"

                                              But, wait, there is more.

                                              Miss Poop Deck picked up her excrement, and hurled it at the employee.

                                              Then she took some napkins, wiped herself, and threw those!

                                              I mean, what are we coming to?  This woman has got to be mentally ill, and should be kept under wraps and given a psych eval.  I am telling you.  At least when Divine ate the dog shit in John Waters' iconic 1972 film, "Pink Flamingos," the viewer was saved from vomiting by Waters wisely cutting to the shot of the dog, who resembled a white miniature poodle, bur actually was not, looking up at Divine, with a "What the hell are you doing?" look on its face.

                                               No such luck here.  The woman was arrested, and, hopefully will spend some time in well padded booby hatch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Obviously, this bitch has anal issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Scat, girl, scat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Perhaps she should be confined with that Superintendent, I mean POOPERintendent, of Schools...

  2. You should care about the Roseanne debacle, because I have a feeling years from now it will be remembered as the final ignored wake-up call, the last opportunity for us to take stock and put the brakes on our insane focus on social media (a misnomer if there ever was one).

    Twitter and its ilk are on the fast track to completely destroying humanity, in a manner not too far off from the fictional Krell who were wiped out overnight by their "id manifestation" technology in "Forbidden Planet". Everybody has fleeting, mean-spirited thoughts several times a day. EVERYBODY. Its ingrained in human nature. But only in the last decade did we stupidly invent global platforms that addict us to the mad notion the entire world needs to hear each of those thoughts as they occur, with no filtering. Mother Theresa couldn't bear up to that scrutiny, and its eating us up alive. It pollutes the culture, forcing attention on nonsense at the expense of far more important issues.

    Roseanne's remarks were crude, thoughtless and tasteless. I'm very disappointed in her, not least because she apparently didn't consider for one second how it would affect the lives of hundreds of co-workers on her show, and millions of people who were happy to see new episodes of a series they viscerally loved. Getting the entire original cast back together after most had moved on to much bigger careers was a Herculean feat unheard of in the industry, but she squandered it in a matter of seconds.

    Not that Roseanne is a stranger to stupid remarks or controversy: she's always had a copious supply of both. That isn't the point- the frightening societal shift her latest incident highlights is. Artists of any stripe are no longer separated from their work. A lifetime of achievement can now be utterly wiped off the face of the earth by one moronic remark on Twitter. Think about that for a second : TWITTER. Even the name of the service is fucking asinine, yet it now has absolute sway over every element of our lives.

  3. With respect, your assumption that the Roseanne show glorified "white trash" is incorrect. In its original run, hers was the first (and to this day only) sitcom that CREDIBLY depicted authentic friendships between white and black characters (instead of the Harry Potter-esque fantasyland palmed off on every show today). The show had deeply moving, ongoing storylines on domestic abuse, and how the mental illness of a parent could still haunt their adult child decades later. The show heavily promoted gay rights during a time (and in a fictional setting) that was not at all receptive to hearing it (in 1991 she had more regular gay and lesbian characters on her show than Ellen + Will & Grace + the entire Logo channel combined had years later).

    "Roseanne" was a show about real people colliding with other real people, often fractiously, yet always trying to make a connection. It wasn't glamorous, it wasn't pretty, but it probably did more to pry open the minds of provincial TV viewers than any other sitcom that ever aired. Whatever her failings as an off-air personality, Roseanne deserves credit for that.

    Instead, the revival of her show was cancelled and the original series yanked from distribution, probably forever. It will be erased from history, along with all memory of the good it did, to be replaced by hysterical handwringing that she insulted Valerie Jarrett. You know, the woman so close to Obama that she literally ran the country some weeks: I seriously doubt she even blinked when she heard Roseanne's brain fart. Celebrities, actors and politicians are all cut from the same cloth and can handle sparring with each other- we all once understood this, and left them alone to do just that. Now, Twitter has infantalized our perception of them, making millions of non-entity nobodies think their opinion matters more than the people actually involved with any particular brouhaha.

    The godawful, hopelessly misconceived remake of "Farenheit 451" that HBO aired last weekend got nearly everything wrong, but the one update that did work was pinning the blame for the rise of complete cultural censorship on the grating, pervasive, shit-stirring influence of social media.


  4. Victoria,
    You make a good point here.
    I never thought of the Super
    when writing this. Both are
    disgusting, but, at least he
    tried to conceal himself--
    though I think he got off on
    being caught.
    This woman is first a pig
    and then not too connected mentally.
    Anyone who would do something like this so
    openly is not of right mind!


  5. Darling,

    I am with you on social media. Rose McGowan
    gets me more worked up than Roeanne.

    To answer both your comments in one, I just
    never took to the show. I tried, I did not
    take to it. What's funny is I did like "All In
    The Family," because, while they lived in Queens,
    I heard the same stuff coming out of the mouths of
    the adults I grew up around in Jersey. So I connected.
    Roseanne and I never connected, but to be fair, I was older,
    and not watching as much TV then.

    But the whole social media thing I agree. And I did
    not know about the F451 remake. Why bother? Julie
    Christie is great, and Bradbury's novel is unsurpassed.

    I feel bad for Goodman, Metcalf and Gilbert. But the show
    took them places, so they will be fine. Metcalf is a current
    TONY nominee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
