Thursday, May 17, 2018

This Bitch Won't Live Long Enough To Star In A Production Of "70 Girls 70!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   Taheerah Ahmad, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, is only 39. She is no actress.  But she is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Don't blame it on Tulsa, darlings!!!!!!!!!  After all, Jennifer Jones came from there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     It seems Taheerah was some kind of child abuser.  She gave all three of her daughters--ages 11, 8, and 7--a hard time, but she saved the sickest for the eldest.

                                     You see, on Monday, it seems Taheerah did not like the way the girls were looking at her, or what they were reading--get the nets!!!!!!!!--and so she attacked her eldest, with a knife and pick ax, stabbing her up to 70 times.  Then, she set fire to the house, and fled with the two youngest children.

                                      Miraculously, police and firefighters were able to reach the eldest girl, who was still alive.  Now, she is hospitalized, and is in critical condition.  It is amazing she made it this far.  I hope she makes a full recovery, so she can give it to her bitch mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I hope those other kids are now in the hands of Child Services.

                                        As for Taheerah, she is some sick bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        She will eventually be tortured in prison the way Judy, in "Challengers Of The Unknown" tortured Scorpio agent, Lisa, in the 1960's comics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Try figuring that one out, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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