Saturday, May 26, 2018

We Have GOT To Talk About The Season Finale Of 'SVU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

                                    There was not much to process in this episode, so I am not sure if this post will be long or short.  Let me start by saying that, with things having looked up, like Olivia not always getting the final shot, and Stephanie March's stellar appearance, I was holding out hope for this show.  Both Baby Gojira and I were so psyched for the Season Finale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      The results were like a slap in the face.  It was as if the creators were saying to its audience, "Fuck you.  We don't care if you like or dislike what we do.  "Cause we will do it, anyway."

                                       It's like they have us all by the throat. Because when Season 20 opens, of course I will be there.  Hope springs eternal.

                                       Let's start with the fact that this should not have been a two hour episode.  It was repetitious and elongated.  Then there was Genesis Rodriguez as Lourdes Vega, and her faux Spanish accent.  Enough said.

                                        We've seen the whole drug cartel thing before.  Couldn't they have come up with something better?????????????????

                                          And pity poor Amy Korb, who had the job of portraying sibling Pamela Stone.  Incarcerated in a mental hospital, with potential for developing a story arc for Phillip Winchester, what do the writers do, but have her killed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  While this was not as reprehensible as killing Sister Peg, seasons back, Korb had little time to develop any sort of character; she was as dramatically present as the decomposed Mother Bates, whom Vera Miles discovers, at the climax of "Psycho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                            I would have liked more of Pam, gotten to know her story, and seen something develop between she and her brother.  Alas, forget it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              As for Noah, I had to laugh when, during his scenes with Olivia, he talks about Grandma Sheila, as if he wants to be with her, instead!  Can you blame him?   Listen, on the professional toddler circuit, I am sure the word among the kiddies is, "Don't go up for Noah on "SVU.'  It is a thankless job."

                                                By the way, Season 20 hints at a return visit from Sheila!  I hope so! I love the way Brooke plays it, and it livens things up!  Something this show badly needs!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Thank God for Carolyn McCormick's all too brief appearance as Dr. Elizabeth Olivet!!!!!!!!!  More should have been done with her.

                                                  And that Olivia.  What a sanctimonious bitch!  I am getting so sick of her.  It was smart of the programmers, before the Season Finale, to air the episode with Stephanie March.  Not only to showcase March as an actress, but to show Olivia's hypocrisy--she reprimands Alex for taking the law into her own hands, then, in the Season Finale, goes even farther than Alex did.  Get this bitch off the show, and let Rollins take over.  Kelli Giddish is more than ready, and she is a better actress.

                                                  Baby Gojira was royally pissed.  And so was I!!!!!!!!!!!!  Season 19 of 'SVU' went out with the biggest whimper I have ever seen.  It was more like a death knell.

                                                   I hate to say it, but maybe it should have been.

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