Thursday, May 3, 2018

What Has Happened To Sidewalk Art???????????????

                           The weather is finally warming up, girls, and, for the first time, yesterday, I saw children drawing in chalk on the sidewalk.  I was reminded of the movie "Mary Poppins," back in 1964, where Dick Van Dyke, as Bert, drew chalk pictures on sidewalk, covering whole panels in beautifully framed images, one of which they actually jumped into.

                             I tried to do that when I was nine, but, well, of course, it did not work.

                             Still, I admire those who can and do practice this art form, which I do see on occasion.  I am always reminded of wanting to do it, but knowing I have not the talent, time or patience.

                            I began wondering about the state of sidewalk art today.  It seems to have gone from the simplicity of panels, from "Mary Poppins" to three dimensional depictions, recalling the murals Janice Rule was painting on the pool sides in "Three Women."  If this is not an Altmanesque image, I don't know what it is, and if Janice were here today, I am sure she would be impressed.

                             The sad thing about sidewalk art is it is ephemeral.  As soon as the rain comes, it washes away.

                              Just like that famous cake someone left out in the rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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