Thursday, May 10, 2018

What A Load Of Crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Literally, darlings.  Thomas Tramaglini, the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, is a piece of work!!!!!!!!  He is the Superintendent Of Schools in Kennilworth, New Jersey, near Holmdel.

                                    This guy is literally some kind of disgusting pig.  With some serious anal issues.

                                    He was arrested for public lewdness, for publicly defecating and urinating on the grounds of Holmdel High School, near the track field.

                                     That must have been difficult for those runners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I have so many questions--What is wrong with this guy?  Is her married?  Does he get  off on this?  How long has he been doing this?  Because indications are this was not the first time, it was being done on a regular basis by the time the feces was discovered.  And he would do it early morning, at around 5:45AM.  Did he have Wipes?  Something?  Ewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     This has to be one of the most degrading and disgusting bitches I have ever written about.  Couldn't he at least wear Depends, and then change?

                                       There is no need to do it, unless it is a perverse one. Like hoping the cute high school jocks would see him and then he would probably get a boner!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Then he could have been arrested for solicitation of a minor!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I see jail in this guy's future!

                                           He should have gone into sanitation or janitorial work!  He would have had a field day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Smack this sick thing across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. What a class act.
    Superintendent Of Schools, no less.


  2. This guy needs a good
    mental examination. He
    should be removed from his post.
