Thursday, June 21, 2018

"A Dog Of Flanders" Is A Lovely, Tear-Jerking Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Tanya Flanders Is A Scumbag, Garbage Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                The reason Tanya is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is because she stood by and did nothing.

                                   Her husband, James Flanders, was pastor of some church in Fort Walton, Florida. He left the same duties, in Arizona, mysteriously, and I bet now, for monkey business.  Because once Marie Carlson showed up on the scene, the church turned into a cult.

                                   Carlson's intentions were good.  She was fleeing a dissatisfied marriage, with her young daughter, though she and the ex kept in touch.  She turned up at Flanders' church one Sunday, and found the congregation friendly and the pastor and wife comforting.

                                    Nothing wrong with that.  But then, both pastor and Marie developed feelings for each other, which should have been a red flag.  And Tanya was not stupid.  She suspected.

                                    Soon, lines were crossed.  Feelings between Marie and James were consummated.  But it only got worse.

                                      James suggested bringing Marie into the house, to help Tanya with the housework, and Marie's child.  Once established, he demanded both women enter into a lesbian relationship that neither wanted, but did not know how to stop. And, of course, Flanders wanted polygamy, and three- ways.  Tanya still loved her husband, and wanted to keep him, while Marie, who gave up everything, wanted a place for herself and her child.

                                        As Olivia Benson might have said to Marie, "He wasn't thinking of you.  He was thinking of himself."  While with Marie, he fathered another child, who was named "Grace."

                                          On October 24, 2011. Marie's ex reported her missing.

                                          By trial time, in 2015, it all came out.  Marie wanted out of the situation, and take both children with her.  Flanders argued for custody of Grace, choking Marie, burying her in the yard.  He was given the maximum sentence for manslaughter.  Unless that is Life, he was not given enough.

                                           The real bitch here is Tanya.  She agreed to practices she did not approve of, I have no doubt she watched her husband murder Marie, maybe even helped bury her, and did nothing.  She also took Grace, and at the present time, is raising her.  There is a custody battle between the two families going.

                                            Get this child away from this sick bitch monster, who should have gotten LWOP for just being an accomplice.  Who knows what will become of those children, or what kind of sicko Tanya will take up with, because, rest assured, darlings, this is a woman who thrives on dependence on a man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               It will be interesting to see what happens.  Hey, if one of those girls grows up and murders Tanya, I would not be a bit surprised.

                                              What goes around, comes around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It is utter bullcrap that this chick has custody of Marie's baby!!! They killed her for that baby and she was rewarded for her crimes by getting Grace. Shame on this lady!!!


  2. Unknown,
    I hear you, and I agree with you.
    I cannot understand how this happened.
    I fear for those children!

  3. Watching the show on ID. What a horror story. They thought they could make Marie their slave and they did then when she decided to leave they killed her. Unbelieveable that Tanya is allowed to raise that child. If Tanya didn't know he killed her then she is dumb as a piece of wood. So either way she shouldn't be raising that child.


  4. Unknown,
    I could not agree with you
    more. The child wefare system
    failed that child. If something
    happens, it is on Tanya and them!

  5. Is for us and Marie's family to let that child knows when she grows up that her "parents" are the murderers of her real mom, the justice system failed her!!


  6. Unknown,
    I agree, but what an awful thing
    to have to tell someone? And at
    what age.

    I hope she does not hear it from
    Jr. High Mean Girl gossip!

  7. The article is just a valuable bit of insight. I'm thankful that you just presented us with this important information. Stay informed in this way, please. Glad that you shared an article on maximum sentence for manslaughter.

  8. William Daniel,
    Thank you for your comments.
    This case was too important not to
    write about.
