Wednesday, June 13, 2018

"Carousel" Countdown--11 Days To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Darlings, it is a good thing I picked up my blood pressure med at the pharmacist yesterday, because, as the days draw closer, I am so psyched for "Carousel."    I know it is all over YouTube, but, save for the TONY Awards, and Lindsay Mendez' marvelous "Carrie Diaries," I am not going to look at a thing.  I want to go in there, as fresh and objective as I can be.

                               To be sure, I will be bringing tissues.  And I will warn those sitting around me that they are going to hear some high quality sobbing at key points in the show.  So, audiences, prepare yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               "Carousel" may have its dark moments, but its powers of healing and catharsis are extraordinary.  And that is just the material.  I am looking forward to seeing how this cast puts it over!  I mean, Jessie as Julie??????????  How can it miss?????????  But to be surrounded by a cast like this.  I can just hear those voices rising to the rafters, as hackles form at the back of my neck.

                                 Keep it up, darlings, The Raving Queen is arriving on the 24th, and wants to see ALL of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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