Thursday, June 7, 2018

"Carousel" Countdown, And Some TONY Talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              There are just 17 remaining days, until I see "Carousel," and, darlings, I am SO psyched.  I have posted before about seeing it on Gay Pride Sunday, so I know the company will be up and at 'em.  They better be.  Because the cast is one reason why I am going.

                               Like "A Chorus Line," and "Follies," "Carousel" is one of those shows that, were it playing in NYC every night, and I had the power to do so, I would see it each night.  But that does not mean some casts are better than others.  When replacements began at the Lincoln Center production almost 25 years ago, I went, and the results were not quite as pleasing.

                               Still, I know when I am seated at the Imperial, the lights go down, and I hear those three,  ominous, opening notes of the score, I know my blood will freeze, and I will expect to be transported.

                                There is plenty of "Carousel" all over YouTube, including sung excerpts, but I refuse to look at them.  I want to be fresh and objective, when I go in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Did you know that Betsy Wolfe, who appeared with Jessie Mueller, in the recent revival of 'Edwin Drood,' was originally cast as Carrie?  She withdrew, which is incomprehensible to me, career suicide for her, and the break of Lindsay Mendez' life.  I am glad Betsy left; while a superb Rosa Bud, she would make a generic Carrie, and could have brought down the production.

                                  I am with this production all the way.  I want it to win every TONY it is nominated for, but I have to accept the fact that "My Fair Lady" might win over this show as Best Musical Revival, and, worse, that upstart, Lauren Ambrose, will rob the TONY from whom it rightfully belongs to--and that is Jessie Mueller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 The excuse on the street is that no Eliza Doolittle has ever won a TONY, before!!!!!!!!!!  Well, duh, the same could be said of Julie Jordan!  Jan Clayton played it before the TONY'S existed, but she should have won, had they been around!  And how about other Julies, like Barbara Cook, and Sally Murphy??????????????????

                                  So, don't give me that crap!  If Jessie doesn't win, like Scarlett, I might just throw a vase!  Or have a hissy fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I will see excerpts from "Carousel" this Sunday, on the TONYS.  There is no way I can avoid it.  I am excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And, girls, I am telling you, you have GOT to see "The Carrie Diaries," where Lindsay Mendez takes you on a voyage of doing the show.  She gives great make-up tips, especially.  Thanks to her, I have got to go out and find a foundation, blush, and concealer.

                                       Here is Lindsay doing "Bless The Lord," from "Godspell."  What a vocal range!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        But don't forget those make-up tips, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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