Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Gojira Is Thinking Of Taking A Hawaiian Vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       What does an oversized reptile, lovable at heart, who has been a movie star for over six decades now, do when he wants to get away?  Though it is true, that, while I do my daily morning walk, Gojira swims in Brooklyn Bay--this morning found him floating on his back, kicking, spouting water upwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--even he needs a vacation, now and then.

  How many times can one visit Odo Island?????????  I mean, that Old Lady would give anyone the creeps!  She is scarier than Geriatric Mala in "The Leech Woman."

                                             Though he has not told us when he is going, I think Gojira is thinking of  a nice, relaxing Hawaiian vacation.  Like the way he is pictured, here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                After all, if Gidget can go Hawaiian, why not Gojira???????????

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