Thursday, June 21, 2018

I Am So Confused, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was Last Night The Shortest Night, Today The Longest Day, Or What????????????

                                 Time moves differently, anyway, when one is retired.  I know today is the first day of Summer--and I welcome what to me has always been a magical time--but I was always taught, though I am not sure by whom--parents or teachers--that the Longest  Day of The Year was June 22.  Which makes extra sense when you factor in that is MERYL's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Some childhood teachings are easy to get away from--some not.  I guess I will do battle with this, no matter what.

                                   Just to play it safe, loves, make the most out of both days.

                                  It's the only way to go.

                                  As Joni Mitchell/Judy Collins said, "Something's lost, but something's gained, in living every day."

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