Saturday, June 23, 2018

It Shouldn't Happen To A Dog! But There Is A Happy Ending!

                          This is Poly, and she is a 3-year-old pit bull.  Last October, some evil sadist--who should be hunted down and arrested--left her on a park bench in Santa Maria, CA.  Chained.  Added to all this--pay attention now!!!!--the poor creature is blind, and had recently given birth!!!!!!!!!

                             What kind of sick fucks are out there who would do such a thing?????????  I would like to see the responsible party tied to the same bench, and left out there, for all to see.  Bet they would a few stones tossed at them, like in Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery."  I wouldn't blame them.

                                This happened back on October 14.  Poly was discovered by a Santa Barbara worker, who contacted a woman named Jennifer Wales,  who has been rescuing animals for 25 years.  Thank God for folks like these.  They do the work of the angels.

                                   Blindness was not the only issue.  Poly was discovered to have a congenital heart condition, ringworm, and skin problems, resulting in scabbing.

                                     Jennifer Wales,through her organization, Foreverhome Pet Rescue, has placed Poly in a foster home, where she is getting all the love and care the sadist denied her.  Happily she is thriving, and, once all her medical problems are dealt with, will await adoption by some family, who should make her happy.

                                      Of course, one has to be careful with pit bulls, but no living creature, let alone one so handicapped, deserves this kind of treatment.  I hope the responsible party is found and arrested.

Poly is now doing well.  She has gone from park benches, to being a good time party girl!

Go, Poly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. All I need to know about a person's character, I can tell from how they treat children and animals.
    And the elderly. And the disabled.

  2. That dear sweet dog! I hope she has a forever home by now and lives in happiness, love and peace. There are no words for the monster who left her on that bench.


  3. Victoria,

    I agree with your character
    criteria. Whoever did this
    to Poly does not deserve to
    be called human.


  4. Kathi,
    My hopes for happiness for Poly
    go with yours. The best word I
    can think--monster is a good one--
    for the one who left her on the
    bench is sadist!

  5. Ugh....what a sweet pup! I hope that she has found her furever home!


  6. Cora,

    I hope she has too.
    She deserves happiness, not
