Thursday, June 7, 2018

Just Your Garden Variety Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I could not find a picture of Gillian Kennedy, the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  Truth to tell, I wish I had found a photo of the actress playing Gillian, who was so perfectly ugly, she fit the role better than Gillian herself.

                                  All this took place in Pegram, Tennessee.  Now, the Kennedys had been living there, and, as shall become obvious, it was pretty much accepted that Gillian was Queen Bee of the neighborhood.  Yep, a middle aged version of "Mean Girls."

                                   Every neighborhood has some form of Gillian.  The type who gets in everyone's face, and tells others how their children should be raised and behaved, because theirs are so perfect.  Yeah, right!

                                    Trouble began when a new couple, the Cantrells.  Kenneth and Tosha, the parents had three boys--just like Gillian, and her husband, Chris.

                                    At first, like always, things began on a good note.  The Cantrell and Kennedy boys were close to the same ages, so everyone played together.  Though Tosha initially noticed how controlling Gillian was, in ushering her boys  inside to bed, what with it being Summer, and she found nothing wrong with the kids being outside while it was still daylight.

                                      Slowly, Tosha discovered, from her other neighbors, that Gillian had something of a reputation,  and it was best not to cross her.  But it sounded like there was no way to
avoid this.

                                      One day, the boys were playing outside, and one of the Cantrells inadvertently knocked down one of the Kennedys.  Out of her house, like a flaming Gorgon, came Gillian, telling Tosha she better not let her boys hurt their sons.  From that point, war was declared.

                                       Kenneth Cantrell tried to discuss this with husband Chris Kennedy.  It became plain to me that Chris was so terrified of his wife, he said "let her do what she wants."  Excuse me?  The program did not go into specific aspects of the Kennedy marriage, but I want to say Chris seems like an abused spouse.  I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

                                       Things escalated to a point, where even the Cantrell boys were mouthing off to Gillian, and she them!  One of them called her "a fat pig."  I loved her response, "What did you call me?"  Adults always ask that when kids call them on their stuff.  I would get that phrase sometimes, and would think, "Why should I repeat it?  You heard me the first time!"

                                         Of course Gillian and Tosha got physical, but that was not the worst.  The worst was horrible, but what came next was disgusting, and justified Gillian being called a fat pig.

                                         This woman, in a fit of rage, while hurling verbal invectives at the Cantrells and the neighbors, begins disrobing her upper garments, and showing her tits--that's right!!!!!!!--to the entire neighborhood, Tosha in particular, because she wanted to demonstrate she had a better pair!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe how disgusting this woman is?  And let me tell you, these titties were no prize!  They were two enormous, floppy looking eggplant-like things!  What a horrid thing to do in front of children!!!!!!!!  Is that not sexual abuse?  I am telling you, if any of these children turn out homosexual, I would blame it all on Gillian, and her ugly tits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           What came afterward was worse.  The husbands got into another physical altercation, and Gillian comes running out of the house, and shoots Kenneth Cantrell, killing him dead, leaving Tosha widowed, and the boys fatherless.

                                              This is some sick bitch, girls!!!!!!!!!!  Even worse, when Gillian was tried for second degree murder, it was a hung jury, and she got off, free today!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I am telling you the justice system is what Stephanie March said, as Alex Cabot--"the wheels just keep turning, and bodies keep being tossed off.  No one cares who did what to whom, no one even gives a damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  I SO agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Girls, I am telling you, if you live near Gillian herself, get the hell outta there.  If you live in a neighborhood that has a potential Gillian, stay far away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   I can guarantee, THESE Kennedys have no connection to THOSE Kennedys!  Or The Bouviers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I must say the actress playing Gillian Kennedy is amazing. She should be up for an award!

    1. I thought she was great and looked much better than the real Gillian!!


  2. I agree; her performance was chilling.
    Often, the actors on these re-enactments
    are not that great, though some, like she,
    are exceptional.

  3. I had just wat h this episode of Fear Thy Neighbor tonight. And of course was curious what Gillian Kennedy really looked like. After searching for a while I was able to find 1 photo, i would have shared it but I can’t attach anything, but it is located at this link:

    1. I saw it and thought it was a man!

    2. Looked like she could use a shave!

    3. Thank you for the link! I've been scouring the internet trying to find out what that awful monster really looks like! And boy, this pic did not disappoint! She is truly ugly, w/a capital "F"!!! What a damn loon she is!!! My heart broke for Tosha and those boys! Gillian is a crazy, controlling beast who lost it when she met some people who didn't get in line with her bullshit! This story really hit me....

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.


  4. Stacy,
    Thanks for posting the link. I
    will check it out.

  5. Finally seeing this episode. Canada is behind for some reason. Anyways, this woman takes the crazy lady award for sure. I would be pissed if she started flashing my kids! Should’ve called the police on her!


  6. Cora,

    I agree, the police should have
    been called. I imagine when one
    is in the middle of a bad situation
    like this, or any other, one is not
    thinking clearly.

    Thanks for your comment!

    1. Oh Gillian called the cops, she called them on the young kids that were rough housing and not wearing helmets while bike riding. Of all the calls to make to cops she is a waste of time.

  7. I’m sure the real narcissistic bitch googles herself so hopefully she reads what crazy yanky bitch she is. did anyway else notice any talk of “southern” like a negative lifestyle? I will be the first to stand your ground I also do not like physical fighting but after putting up with this for months I would have not brought a firearm when two grown men finally did come to a physical altercation. Were I’m from both men would have got up shook hands and probably been best friends the next day. I hope she and her sissy husband live a locked up existence together because they seem perfect for each other.

  8. See p[ictures of the ugly, skanky whore and her messed up kids.

  9. FULL background check on Gillian and Chris. Message me if you want them.

  10. I just saw this episode last night and was amazed this woman got off. But then I read where she was charged with 2nd degree. 2nd degree murder is defined as "intentionally killing" someone and they could not prove that so she got off. She should have been charged with voluntary manslaughter and fallen back to involuntary manslaughter if they couldn't get the first charge.

  11. Tosha Cantrell is a nasty piece of work. She drove that lady to do what she did.

    1. You are delusional. Do you think before you type ?

    2. Is this an account created by Gillian Kennedy to try an make her look good?

    3. Shut up GILLIAN! You're the only nutjob alive who feels that way.


  12. Utah Man,

    Thanks for posting. Yep,
    they all look like pieces
    of trash. And I would
    LOVE full background on
    Gillian and Chris.


  13. Dano Boone,

    I agree. This woman belongs
    in jail for as long as possible.
    She will harass others again!


  14. Freeweddingcakes,

    Tosha Cantrell and her family
    are innocent Thanks to Gillian and
    her family, Tosh is now widowed. Ken
    did not deserve to die! But that
    bitch Gillian.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.


  15. Unknown,

    You are SO right; they are
    perfect for each other. She controls,
    he cowers. I fear for him if he gets
    on her bad side!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  16. Blumax,

    You nailed it perfectly.
    As for Gillian's advocates, they
    are as nuts as she is!


  17. Chateau Versailles,

    Enchante to you too, bub!
    Me delusional? It is you
    who are? To advocate such
    insanity? Stay inside
    your trash trailer, darling!

    1. Um, looks like he was saying Freeweddingcakes is the delusional one ;)

    2. Yeah, that is how I read it as well Jennifer. I think they were referring to "free wedding cakes", probably aka Gillian Kennedy.


  18. Unknown,

    Glad you found the blog, and
    enjoyed it. Yes, the justice
    system is messed up.

    And, yes, she killed him on

  19. Am I the only one who thinks they should have pursued 1st degree premeditated? I don't doubt Gillian n Chris planned this out, and strategically executed it that day! She made sure to do something shocking, and disruptive (flashing her nasty self to Tosha and her son) to initiate the argument. Then all of a sudden Chris grew balls and wanted to fight Kenneth. But made sure that he got Kenneth to come onto his property. So that beast could then murder this man in cold blood in front of everyone on that block! And refused to let anyone attend to him....idk, just my thoughts!

    1. I was thinking the same thing.. hard to believe that she has all these pictures on Facebook smiling and happy and celebrating births our grandkids and such after such a horrific crime

  20. Really only one side of the story was told. Since we only have one side and no official story or police report, we can only guess what really happened. But from what I watched, both sides acted not like adults. Conflict with parenting styles and neither could stay on their side of the property. Don't think I would want either one as my neighbor.


  21. Erin,
    No, this is not an account by Gillian Kennedy.
    I am not for her, at all.


    Gillian was sick controlling pick who could
    not keep it together unless she got what she
    wanted. I hope she is in prison, and I hope
    hubby filed for divorce, and took the boys with him!

    Cheers, darlings!!!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.


  23. Lifeslove,

    I miss your point.
    Are you assuming I am Gillian?
    I hope not. Because if you
    read the post, you will see
    I am not pro-Gillian!

    If I am wrong, my apologies.
    Then your comments are right on target!

    Thanks for your comments!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Recently I started watching this show, and the fact that she got away with murder isn't surprising, the sad part is the cops could have stopped this from ever happening but they didn't. Her and her husband's stalking, harassing, and gross. I believe she and her husband planned this murder. She should have been labeled a sex offender because she was one. This show, in general, makes me so mad, because there is always one party crying out for help, and the system fails them.


  26. Tiffany,

    I second all you say. This should
    not have ended in the tragedy it did.
    And, yes, I agree, she is a sex offender!

  27. I lived on Garcia DR when this happened and there is a lot you don't know. Gillian never took her clothes off for one thing and I lived next to the three boys that played with the Cantrell boys and they were absolutely horrible. I was pregnant and these boys would climb our fruit trees and throw our fruit at us and call us names. The parents were horrible too. One of them shot his best friend with a bb gun and left him in the street with a collapsed lung before he moved away and was shot by a drug dealer. Another child in the neighborhood is paralyzed for life from diving off the house in to their pool. The second youngest lost vision in his right eye from a bottle rocket fight that they were allowed to have most everyday. After we moved out of the neighborhood the mother of those kids blew her husbands ear off with a shot gun. these are the kids the Cantrell boys were playing with when this happened. There are a lot of rumors I am not going to repeat but nobody was innocent I assure you

    1. I always wondered after watching this show, what did all you neighbors see and witness?

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. if she had done that I would have certainly heard about it before now and she locked herself in her house after the shooting because she was terrified. I was across the street

  30. I feel it is worth mentioning this subdivision is surrounded by the Harpeth river and there is only one way in and out of it. It is a cemetery. They didn't move the graves; they just bulldozed the headstones down by the river and covered them with dirt. Everybody that lives there thinks the neighborhood is haunted.


  31. Well, darling, it probably is, because of what that fat
    pig Gillian did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. She was no beauty queen and she was a big girl but it takes two to tango and it was a trajedy for everyone in the neighborhood. I moved after this the vibes were so unbearable. I found this tid bit


  33. Sheila,
    No problem with the spelling: I got it.
    I do it sometimes, myself.

    I do agree with you it was a tragedy for
    the entire neighborhood. One bad neighbor
    moves in, and ruins it for everyone.

    Same in a apartment building, where I dwell!

  34. I hear you! My neighbors are something else as well; but, when I want to kick their ass I remember what happened in this god forsaken cemetery of a neighborhood. I wish you love and light

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.


  36. Sheila,
    Thanks for the good wishes.
    And may we both not have neighbor troubles the
    level of these!

  37. Gill had nothing to do with this


  38. Sheila,
    What's the story, here? Something about
    a lost dog? That grabbed my attention.
    Tell me more!

  39. I watched this last night on the crime channel. How did Gillian get away with that murder? It doesn't matter if it is on her property or not - she wouldn't let the nurse near the fatally injured man which adds to her crime! And I agree with you Tiffany ..... this could have been stopped. When 200+ people sign a petition against 2 people something is wrong and needs intervention! I did find a picture of Gillian Kennedy and the actress who played her gave her too much credit in the looks department!


  40. Bridget,
    Well, if the actress playing Gillian
    was better looking than the woman
    herself, that says a lot.

    Thanks for sharing. I agree with
    you and Tiffany; this got way out
    of hand and could have been prevented.
    The system which is supposed to protect
    failed miserably here.


  41. Unknown,

    Who cares, darling???????????????????????

  42. Unknown (August 6, 2019)

    Last I heard she was someplace in Texas. Lord have mercy on her neighbors - this woman was/is a total psycho!


  43. Gillian P Kennedy Age 50
    Full Background Report Available
    Current Address
    214 N Texas St
    Pittsburg, TX 75686-1038
    Phone Numbers
    (903) 856-3817 - Landline
    (903) 855-8343 - Wireless
    (615) 585-2300 - Wireless


  44. M,
    Thanks for the info.

    I asked myself the same thing, after watching.

    Some readers will appreciate it, but I don't
    do Facebook. Thanks for sharing, though.

  45. I found Gillian on facebook, if interested:
    Gillian Pipkin Kennedy Lives in Gilmer, Texas
    From Hamden, Connecticut


  46. Unknown,
    Thanks so much for the info!


  47. Unknown,
    Oh, really, hon? And just
    what does your comment make you?

  48. Are we really doxxing people here?

  49. Sab,

    Make no mistake, darling!
    I am NOT a dime store doxie!
    Strictly high end!

    I welcome all responses to what
    I say, whether liked or not.

    Which makes it a discussion forum!

    Make sure your pinkie finger is up,
    when you drink tea, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. Hi Raving, Am also following this story. It has just been on television in April of 2021. Such a tragedy ! We also had some really scary neighbors years ago while living on a military base. Same type of deal, outrageous,crazy wife, emasculated husband. She ALSO like to scream at other children who didn't play with her daughter the way she thought they should ( bunch of little girls instead of group of little boys). To counter Sab's remark about doxxing, we didn't have that capability back then ( internet research to discover people's whereabouts), BUT we did our due diligence to find out where this family was stationed, so none of us had to ever be subjected to her insanity again. After the daughter was grown, the husband eventually left her. When we heard that, we wondered if he hung around all that time to ensure the child's safety- that's how whacked out and narcissistic the mother was. Oh, BTW- got the same info on the Kennedy woman, and YIKES ! The actress who played her on the TV expose was a dreamboat compared to the real person. Current address in Pittsburg, TX is correct, but house is for sale (
    Take Care, and watch out for the crazies ! xoxoxoxoxo

  51. Oh, and Raving ? When it comes to a PREMEDITATED MURDER, yes, those folks SHOULD be doxxed, so others know to get gone, and stay gone- they need to know this about "loose cannon" murderers like that.
    TTFN. : )

  52. LH,

    Thanks for commenting. I agree with you.
    That Kennedy woman was danger to evereyone--
    including herself. Her own worst enemy,
    as tey say.

    Of all the "Fear Thy Neighbor" episodes I
    have watched, this was one of the most

  53. Excuse me, but I'm a bit lost. Who and what is The Raving Queen?
    Josie Laine


  54. Josie Laine,
    Check the home page of this blog.
    All the info you need to know is there.
    Appreciate your comment!


  55. Unknown,
    There is no question in my mind.
    I agree with you.
