Thursday, June 14, 2018

Politicians Are Skeethy, But This One Takes The Cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Nathan Larson is one piece of work.  And after I go over some of his qualities, you will understand why he is this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                              Larson is a politician.  He is a resident of Virginia, and is seeking to run for Congress.  His idea is that the country has been ruined by overt political correctness, and he has a right both to run, and to those points.

                               But they are lost instantly, on account of what backs them up.

                               Larson is an avowed White Supremacist. He extols Nazism and Hitler.  In 2008, he did sixteen months in jail, for sending a letter to the Secret Service, threatening to kill either George W. Bush, or Barak Obama.

                                Add to that pedophilia.  He is a pedophile, and makes no apologies for it!  He has been married twice.  He had a daughter by his first wife, who committed suicide, shortly after the child was born.  How horrible, but I am telling you, that wife knew something, and, with the child now being raised by relatives, and Larson having only seen his child once, maybe this was a self-sacrifice on the part of the mother, to save the daughter from the monster that I am sure the wife, by the time of her death, realized he was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Oh, and of course his is a misogynist.  He blames school shootings on the feminist movement, saying--get this--that it creates fatherless boys, and undermines male authority.  He says the wife should bow to the husband, and that women should be married by their early teens , so that their husbands can protect them.  But only if they are attractive.

                                   I sense a narcissist here, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Is this guy kidding?  The scary thing is in the hills of Virginia, or in the far reaches of Staten Island, I could see some of his rhetoric going over.

                                  Of course, he has since remarried.  If his wife is not a Stepford trophy, then she must be kept in a locked wooden box under their bed, like that sick sex sadist did, in that episode of 'SVU'.

                                   This bitch really deserves to get it shoved from both ends.  If he does not watch out, some gay vigilante will lure him  into a gay bar, and then he will get what's what.

                                    And no one will shed a tear. Not for this reprehensible bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This is sickness at its worst.
    If he is successful, this could
    mean trouble for us all!

  2. He needs to be forgiven. If he were living in the old Roman days he would be in a world of dismay' sorta like now!

  3. Mrs. Smith,

    You are right, but, as Nicholas Cage says
    to Cher in "Moonstruck," "Only God can
    point the finger, Loretta."
