Monday, June 25, 2018

Thank You, Jessie, Lindsay, And Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          My assessment of "Carousel" will appear later this week.  Right now, I want to write a love letter to the cast.

                           My thanks first to Jessie Mueller and Lindsay Mendez, two of the hardest working actresses on Broadway, who were gracious enough to sign not only my program, but countless others.  You two are a class act, both onstage and off!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hoist that leg, Lindsay!  Loved it!

                           Joshua Henry--You have GOT to hear this guy sing.  I mean, holy moly!  The best male voice I have hears since, perhaps Jason Danieley.   The notes were there, but so was Billy's pain and torment.  Josh, you wuz robbed of that TONY Award.  But don't worry.  Yours is somewhere down the road.

                            Renee Fleming--What do Theater Queens know about opera?  The closest most get to it is "Candide."  What a glorious Nettie Miss Fleming made; no wonder she was TONY nominated.  An d her understated delivery of "You'll Never Walk Alone" was so on target,  I sobbed through the whole thing.

                             Kudos to Jacob Keith Watson, for, unexpectedly to me, at least, stepping into the role of Enoch Snow.  A deep rich voice--just hear him, as he holds the word "More!," it took my breath away.

                              Justin Peck--Honey, if I were younger, I would want to study with you!  The conceptual opening of the show was stunning, that Act Two ballet--brilliantly danced by Brittany Pollack and Andrei Chagas, is one of the best dance set pieces ever created.  I want to see more from Justin!

                                Amar Ramasar-Danced the hell out of what is usually not a dancing role, and made Jigger more believable.  Most have been played as so sleazy, how could anyone be drawn to him?  Here, Amar is the cutest Jigger, dances, and brings an underlying seductive charm that can rope the unwary, like Billie and Carrie, into his clutches.  You can train me, honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Same with Garett Hawe and Corey John Snide.  Exquisite dancers, whom, were I younger, and stronger, I would want to emulate.

                                     Oh, I even bought a "Carousel" hat. For special occasions.

                                   "Carousel" wiped me out, guys.  After crying my way through it, I came home, sank into a dreamless, emotionally exhausted sleep, which I did not awake from until 10:15, this morning.  I write this, shortly thereafter, coffee by my side!

                                     Now, that I have seen it, you can have a look.  Here is some of Justin's and the company's work!  I would go again, in a moment's notice!

                                      The power of theater!  Darlings, I am telling you!

                                       Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Awwwww! I'm thrilled that you saw the play (after that long countdown) After reading what you said about the cast of Carousel, I almost felt as if I had been there, too. Broadway really is magic come to life, isn't it?


  2. When it's at the top of its game,
    Broadway is indeed magic. If you
    are able to get to this, do so.

    I probably won't write my official
    "Carousel" piece until tomorrow.
    There are reasons I must examine as
    to why it gets to me so deeply. Not
    just the artistry, but something within
