Friday, June 1, 2018

They Are Really All Over The Place, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!! But What Can Be Done About Them???????????

                                       The other day, which proved to be exhausting, David and I had a series of errands to do, all over the city.  I accompanied him, for many reasons, not the least of which is that, on a long subway ride, I get to do a lot of reading.  More than I would like to do, when at home.

                                         Before traveling to the Upper East Side, to visit some fashion houses, as well as Omega and Burberry, we stopped for a repast at Bouchon Bakery in The Shops At Columbus Circle.

                                          The food was superb. But what I am here to writing about are our seat mates.

                                           We were dining at around 11am; we were probably the last to order from the breakfast menu.

                                             Now, awhile back, I wrote a post on my determination to handle anger inducing situations, like Joan on "Mad Men."  The following gave me a chance.

                                              When we arrived, no one was seated around us.  There were plenty of seats, so why the waiter chose to seat these patrons next to us made absolutely no sense.  But him I do not blame.  It is the patrons.

                                                 Since the seat was originally unoccupied, David had put some of our outer wear on the adjoining seat.  This is where the male of the couple chose to sit, and he made some snide, entitled comment, about getting our stuff off his seat.  David said something I could not hear--along the lines of the guy making a big deal over nothing, and then they sat down.

                                                  I looked over at them both.  They were horribly dressed, as if for a day at the beach.  The guy, who may have been Hispanic, had his hair pulled back in the tiniest of pony tails, but was dressed like he had just come from the gym--in a matching black shorts and tank top, totally out of line for a place like this.  His girl friend, whose entire cultural milieu, I could tell, was modeled on the "Crazy Asian" books was a little better, but much too casual.

                                                   The guy and I glared at each other, because both of us knew we wanted to light into the other.  David and the girl friend stopped that from happening.

                                                     Nevertheless, I kept looking over at him, during our meal, and he the same.  I decided to bide my time.  But while biding I thought--

                                                       Who do these Millennials--for they were just a representation--think they are, to ignore dress codes, showing off their "I-am-so-great" youthful bodies, not realizing yet they will not last you forever, but thinking, for now, they will.  Are you in for a surprise, dears!  Especially, you girlie, once menopause hits.

                                                          But the guy was the real bitch of the lot.  Are you sure you are
straight, darling?  Usually, straights don't show off their bodies as much as gays, so is this girl your sister, cousin, beard, or what???????????????

                                                           Or was she a FAG HAG???????????????????????

                                                           Had I been allowed, this is what I would have said directly. Which would have provoked a fight, with all of us on the evening news.  I only speak to Marcia Kramer, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           These two were a trip.  Get the hell over yourselves, dolls, because the merry-go- round ride you think you are on will suddenly come to a full stop, and then what will you do?????????????????????

                                                             I played my Joan card right. We finished our meal, got up and left. While David went to the elevator, I stayed behind, making sure to make eye contact, with the guy, and sticking my tongue out at him!!!!!!!!!  Dumb thing did not even know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              No wonder, since retiring, I find it exhausting to trek into Manhattan. It only confirms my worst fears.

                                                               That the chilling ending of the 1968 "Planet Of The Apes" is slowly coming to pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Victoria,

    I think I did pretty well.
    He was looking for a fight,
    I refused to give it to him.
    Sticking my tongue out was
    the best idea I came up

    I think Joan might have said
    something. But I wasn't feeling
    especially witty then.
