Friday, June 29, 2018

Why, And When, Did Amusement Parks Stop Having The Tunnel Of Love??????????????????????

                                 Did the Sexual Revolution of the Sixties actually destroy romance?  Or was it air conditioning????????????

                                 Back in the days, even before MY time, darlings, before the advent of air conditioners, a good way to get cool--and maybe a little bit hot--was to go to any amusement park of the day, which often had a Tunnel Of Love.

                                 Now, I have never experienced one--and don't get nasty, out there!!!!!!-- but the idea of floating in a boat shrouded in darkness, where it has to be cooler, and given an opportunity to smooch, but not much more, because, my God, one is in a boat, and trying to go all the way could land one in the water, and stall the ride, sounds simply romantic to me!  Girls, let's go for it!!!!!!!!!

                                 One always entered the tunnel through a heart shaped entrance, often emerging though one at another end point.

                                  How cool and refreshing it would be to do this again.  Even with air conditioning, even if alone.

                                   But with everyone putting disgusting things they do on YouTube, and such, pastoral pleasures have flown the coop!

                                     I just love the idea of the Tunnel Of Love.

                                      Maybe it's time to bring pastoral pleasures and romance back!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. On a related note, my favorite Bruce Springsteen song is "Tunnel Of Love"!

    Partly because its so evocative, with its background track of shrieking amusement park patrons and ride sounds. But mostly because the lyrics hit home so searingly to anyone who's been in a difficult relationship:

    Fat man sitting on a little stool
    Takes the money from my hand
    while his eyes take a walk all over you
    Hands me the ticket, smiles and whispers "good luck"
    Cuddle up, angel, cuddle up my little dove
    As we ride down into this tunnel of love

    I can feel the soft silk of your blouse
    And the soft thrills in our little fun house
    Then the lights go out and it's just the three of us
    You, me and all that stuff we're so scared of
    Gotta ride down baby into this tunnel of love

    There's a crazy mirror showing us both in 5-D
    I'm laughing at you, you're laughing at me
    There's a room of shadows that gets so dark, brother
    It's easy for two people to
    lose each other
    in this tunnel of love

    It ought to be easy, ought to be
    simple enough
    Man meets a woman
    and they fall in love
    But the house is haunted and the ride gets rough
    You've got to learn to live with what you can't rise above
    If you want to ride down in through this
    tunnel of love


  2. Wow! What a dark song! I am
    not familiar with his oeuvre, so
    I never heard this.

    Tunnels of Love could also be
    refuges for the lonely. I
    think they should be brought
    back to renew the possibility of
    romance and hope!
