Tuesday, July 3, 2018

"And It's Gonna Be Another Hot Day!!!!!!!!! Yes, It's Gonna Be Another Hot Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                         I know I love Linda Ronstadt singing "Heat Wave" (which I may end this post with, to offer a bit of levity) but, girls, I am telling you, this is cramping my style.

                          When it is 8AM and already in the eighties, that is it for my morning walk.  Much as it pains me to take some days off, and hard though it will be to resume that routine, I would rather wait a few days, than die of heat prostration, massive dehydration or heat exhaustion.


                              So, here I sit, housebound.

                              Even our lovable reptile friend, Gojira, is taking extra laps in his pre-dawn swim in Brooklyn Bay!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I think, with genuine concern about those having to perform summer outdoor theatre. and wonder if they should.  Yes, the show must go on, but not to the detriment of an actor's health.  If my thirty minute mile walk would kill me in this weather, think about performing in a two hour or more show outdoors, in the hot night, fully costumed.

                                 And how about day laborers?  In this weather?  Criminal!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Heat kills, and it cramps lifestyles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Don't try to prove yourselves, darlings, your health is more important. So, stay safe, and hydrated.

                                I am sure Donna McKechnie would tell us the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Here is Linda Ronstadt doing "Heat Wave!" Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!

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