Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Another Reason Not To Let Strangers Into Your Apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I don't know what put "The Four Skulls Of Jonathan Drake " into my mind.  This B movie, if that, I have not seen since I was a child, but I always thought there was more to it.  For starters, this character, Zuria, (played by Paul Wexler) who is the zombified spirit of an ancient tribal witch doctor, I always used to refer to as The Psychotic Voodoo Man.  He knocks on several doors, but don't you answer to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             You see, the Drake brothers, Kenneth and Jonathan, are under a curse, brought upon by their grandfather, when he infiltrated a South American Jivaro Indian tribe.  Kenneth falls prey to the curse, and at his funeral--open casket, of course--the corpse is found to be beheaded.  Apparently, Zuria needs four skulls from the Drake clan to end the curse.  His mouth has been sewn up; but whether he will talk again is moot, as he is now a zombie.

                               And here I thought they were going for something reminiscent of Wilkie Collins!  Did I have it all wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                This piece of crap should be seen once, for all its voodoo stereotypes.  Even worse than my Pressman Toys Witch Doctor Headshrinker Kit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 The director, Edward L. Cahn, directed other B films like "Curse Of The Faceless Man" (1958), and the semi-classic "The She-Creature" (1956).

                                 This movie falls short of delicious trash, like "Daughter Of Dr. Jekyll" (1957), which was directed by a comparative master, Edgar G. Ulmer.  With some sort  of known players--John Agar, Gloria Talbot, and Arthur Shields.  Now, that is something that deserves to be seen.

                                  Nevertheless, 'Skulls' is a cautionary tale. If you expect no one, do not answer the door.

                                   It might be Zuria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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