Thursday, July 12, 2018

Darlings, How About Some Christian Lacroix??????????????????

                            Let us talk fashion, girls, a much more cheery subject, than Oedipal murder, and, if you care about such things, there has just GOT to be some Christian Lacroix in your closet!!!!!!!!  I don't care how simple, as long as it has the label!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Don't you just love these creations?????????  The middle two, with their light pastel colors, especially the greens, are just perfect for this season!  I prefer the top one, better suited for Fall or Winter, because of its tailored cut, and color blend.  I would even wear the hair style that goes with it.  But I would need LOTS of extensions!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The last is SO Marie Antoinette, isn't it, girls???????????  Better suited for a gala than every day.

                                I would just LOVE to walk into a room, wearing Christian Lacroix!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Shouldn't everyone own at least one?????????????????

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