Saturday, July 21, 2018

Even With A Prostate Condition, "THEM!" Held Me Spellbound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           The last time I sat through this film, I was the same age as Sandy Descher, in the film.  The first thing to startle me, was,  while the film is in black and white, and benefits from that, the title is emblazoned onto the screen in the color of blood red!  Now, that is interesting, and different.

                             Warner Bros. made this, which meant it had a bigger budget, and a better cast, including an Oscar Winner, and some rising up and comers.

                              Like the best of the  monster films, the action before the creatures are seen is the best.  I think "THEM!" can be traumatizing to children, because it puts them in Sandy's shoes right away.  Clutching a doll, for protection, wandering aimlessly through the desert of New Mexico, she has seen something so horrible, so beyond her comprehension.  Her family is dead, she survived, but is all alone in the world.  It is enough to make anyone zone out, but for a child, it is like losing one's life.  And "THEM!" ably plays upon this fear.

                             Even when the iconic scene happens, and Sandy, going for the Oscar gold, screams out the titular word, only her mind can envision what "THEM!" is.  The poor thing has no way of comprehending something that should not be the size it is.

                             The first appearance of "THEM!" is the best.  The fifties spinster, in a two piece suit, and matching hat, perfect for the desert--no wonder the ants are intrigued!--is, of course the first person they spot.  Joan Weldon screams her guts out, but picture Sandy in this scene, because the attack on her family's place was not depicted.  No wonder the poor thing was traumatized!

                             And how about Los Angeles, and the two boys, Tommy and Billy Lodge, trapped in the sewers?  Though not given as much screen time as Descher, their roles require little more than reacting, and moving from place to place, so they know their blocking, And this reveals another
disturbing thing about "THEM!"

                             More than any other of these films, children are put in place as victims.  Who cannot feel for that?  But for the child watching this, who does not yet comprehend the fullness of death, or is ready to take on the fears of seeing things beyond one's comprehension, or being alone and trauamatized, this film can have a devastating effect.

                             I can see how and why "THEM!" stuck with me all these years.  It really did a number on me.  And, as an adult, I can see how it does.

                             I am not sure I would let a young child watch "THEM!"  It is not the ants that are just frightening, but the psychological fears they arouse.

                             It's one time where RAID can't help, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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