Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy Fourth Of July, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               "Someone open up a window!
                                                 It's ninety degrees!  Have mercy, John, please!"
                                               --"Sit Down, John," opening number of "1776"
                                                 by entire cast

                                        Who would have thought those lyrics would have such veracity for today?

                                         Yes, dears, it is the Fourth of July, a day of independence, fun, and introspection.  My thoughts on this day always turn to my parents' friends, The Lammers, whom we would visit for a big cookout each year on this day for as long as I can remember. (They lived in South Plainfield, New Jersey!!!!!!!!) At least thirty years.  Each year I look back on those days fondly, and with warm memories of my parents, and all those who attended this Summer event.

                                         Memories do keep things alive, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Have a blast, however you choose to celebrate the Fourth!

                                          And, above all, be safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Since her birthday was yesterday, here is Betty Buckley, whose first job in New York this was, as Martha Jefferson, singing "He Plays The Violin."  The voice is there already!

                                          And don't forget, Blythe did the movie!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Happy July 4th, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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